Interesting TV

Yes quite enjoyed season 1, haven’t had a chance to watch season 2 yet.

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BBC4 broadcast Jonathan Miller’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’ last night, originally broadcast in 1966 and with an all star cast and very interesting locations used. Original music by Ravi Shankar.

DC yes - saw season 1 ages ago and more recently season 2. Enjoyed it / them

Enjoyed both series.
I also liked the Belgian series based on the diamond market - but the name escape as me for now.

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The first Salamander was excellent but the second was a bit disappointing


Glad you said it Graeme. I gave up after about episode 4. I think when scriptwriters resort to flashbacks, flashforwards and dream sequences you know they’ve lost the plot

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I started watching the new Netflix series of ‘One Day’ last night. You may remember the poor film of this in 2011 but this is just brilliant. It has Leo Woodall ( who played the Essex boy in White Lotus 2) and Ambika Mod ( impressive in This Is Going To Hurt). I’ve only watched the first 2 episodes but I can’t praise this enough. The pair are so likeable with real chemistry and it is very moving


I rather liked the 2011 film. Will give this a go though.

I think it all depends on your view of Anne Hathaway! But this is a delight

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I also enjoyed Rough Diamonds on Netflix.
And now Reindeer Mafia on C4.

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Done 4 episodes and I feel they are incredibly subtle in their performances. It feels quite sad.

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I agree entirely - just watched episodes 3 and 4 tonight. Yes, it’s very funny and sweet but a deep streak of melancholy in it. Beautifully judged performances from the two leads and real chemistry


The Hairy Bikers Go West. Really enjoying the new series. The first since Dave Myers’ fight with cancer. It is uplifting and quite moving at times.


Second series of KIN on BBC 1 (all episodes available on iPlayer) on Tuesdays continues the story of the Irish drug family the Kinsella’s and very good it is too


The Continental on Prime.

Based on John Wick stories, so pretty (extremely if you thought Reacher was) violent.

3 part feature length show.

Thoroughly enjoyed 1st episode if nothing else for the superb music choices.

Pretty faultless 1st episode for me.


Constellation on Apple TV. A sci-fi meets quantum physics? Found my attention wandering at times. Jonathan Banks is always with watching.

The Outfit on Netflix. It’s a film with Mark Rylance. Set in 50s Chicago about a cutter and the mob.

Not something I’d normally watch but MR is an incredible story teller, I’d watch him opening a tin of beans.


Has anyone else watched the final episode of Series 2?

It would generous in the extreme to call it ‘barely credible’…



The silent Service on Netflix. Subtitles from original Japanese.
Not Das Boot but enjoyable so far.