Interesting TV

Halston on Netflix.
Binge watched the whole mini-series while on my own. Now watching it again with my wife.
Ewan McGregor shines.

You’re being generous – I thought they’d turned it in to an MCU production at one point – and after S1 I was hoping the drama and storyline would remain grounded (pardon the pun given events at the end of S2).


Revisited The Wire Season 3 onwards (I recollect most of S1 & S2). What a reminder on how great this HBO production is. Characters built over time, multiple storylines which intersect, anti-heroes, very tightly scripted and edited so no screen-time is wasted, with more than a sprinkling of humour around the madness of politics. It’s kinda Hill Street Blues fleshed-out and taken up several levels.


Most of S2 not particularly cerebrally challenging, but sometimes far fetched cheese where good guys go after the baddies is just the ticket after a busy day and a glass or two as you don’t miss much of the plot if you nod off :grinning:


I had to look up MCU.

Finally got round to finishing this.

Great fun.


We loved it too. Surely more in the offing.


1883 on Paramount.

Resumed watching it last night after a few weeks break.

I love most ‘Westerns’, but this is very gritty and thoroughly enjoyable.

A few years since I watched Tombstone but Sam Elliot almost looks identical to Virgil Earp in that, decades down the line.

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First two episodes out. It’s pretty good.

Not convinced by some funny camera lens affectations, a little too much loud ‘incidental’ music and rather a lot of AI to try and convince us of the mighty scale of Osaka but the story is still very entertaining, the production and acting convincing, plus nice touch to have dialogue split between Japanese and English (for Portuguese) again.

It is also remains educational I suspect, at least for Gen Zers and all other ‘…it happened before I was born, why would I know about this stuff?’ Millennial twonks.


Is it only on Hulu/FX?

I just finished watching that. Rather good…

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It is FX, on Disney+ in UK.

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Anyone watching C4 ‘The Jury: Murder Trial’?

Three episodes in. Guilty.


Great - we have that.

Been mentioned before but just finished 3 series of Lupin on NF.

It’s a really enjoyable romp that doesn’t take itself too serious.


When we find there is nothing interesting on TV we often watch from iplayer Shakespeare and Hathaway. It is an easy watch but the skill of the acting by Mark Benson and Jo Joyner and the supporting cast is excellent. The plots are silly but you can’t help smiling a lot. Beautifully filmed around the Stratford area.


Yes, watched all of it. Hard to decide. I don’t know enough about what happens when someone really loses control. Guilty beyond reasonable doubt? I’m not sure how that works, really. I wasn’t there, and can’t get inside his head, so there will always be doubt. But going out and getting the hammer? That seems a bit ‘rational’.

Interesting. To me, the law / medical expertise as described on the programme, made it quite clear it was murder. Mitigation can enter in at sentencing, not by the jury when deciding a verdict.


I would find it hard to say one way or the other. Part of me says that killing her is, of course, not justified no matter what her behaviour was. But I also know that someone can be obsessively in love with another person, so the obvious answer of leaving her may not be so easy. Also, financially he would be really badly off. The option is there for manslaughter - where there was no intention of killing her. I can’t know whether he intended to kill her or not. Of course, part of the problem is that this was all portrayed by actors, so it is not possible to know whether he was acting or not in the real trial.
Also, putting him in jail for a long time achieves nothing but revenge - the public are not in danger from him if he is released at some point. If it were in Scotland I would consider “not proven” as an option, but probably opt for manslaughter.

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A remake of Shogun on Disney got putting my hand in my pocket for a subscription. Then I found all the Star Wars output, and then a new series of Justified. Thank goodness the snow has prevented me from gardening.

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