Interesting TV

Started watching 3 Body Problem last night, 3 episodes in and I’m enjoying it. It’s produced by the same team that did GoT.


Shōgun Episode 5 – it just keeps getting better and better.


I watched the first 3 episodes last night and think
it is absolutely brilliant. Really inventive and a really ‘dense and chewy’ plot so you have to really concentrate. The jumps between present day and 1960’s Cultural Revolution China are done really well. Can’t wait to see where this heads


We’ve been watching Wallander on ITVx, which is a Swedish based detective series.

It’s interesting watching it with the Swedish backdrop and their approach, albeit, with a British cast and Kenneth Branagh in the lead part.

However, I thought that British detectives had personal issues, but nothing compared to Wallander. Never seen a detective with so much angst.



There is the original Swedish Wallander with Krister Henriksson, very good though subtitles needed. Then the UK version set with Kenneth Brannagh, again very good. There is also the newer Young Wallander with Adam Paison.


Floodlands on C4; it’s a coproduction from The Netherlands and Belgium.

Favourite insult so far:

“Tell this milk-dribbling f*** stain…”



I watched episode 1 on Saturday and a couple with Mrs AC last night.

I really didn’t take to many of the characters on first viewing and felt a 15 rating was too low for some of the more violent/gruesome scenes.

I let the kids watch from early episode 2 last night and my daughter seemed instantly intrigued and worked a few things out but the violence in episode 1 would put me off showing them that.

I think my son was intrigued by the ‘headset’ game aspects.

I think it should turn out to be quite a good show and I have to say it reminded me in some ways of a Quatermass like story.


I’m not squeamish in the slightest but some of the violence seemed over the top - looking at various events in recent days elsewhere maybe it’s a true reflection of humanity. :worried:

I’ve already finished and wishing there was more. Think it’s been setup beautifully to develop into something special and as posted earlier a 400 year timeline gives them lots of scope. Bring on season two I say.

I do find some of these shows do have a rather slow to start.


That looks stunning



Has Diane Morgan yet achieved National Treasure status?

Mandy is, shall we say, an acquired taste. However by and large I feel Diane merits the title given the high quality of her output :slightly_smiling_face:

Cunk, Motherland, Cockfields, Afterlife.



Fast forwarded through to the end - not easy on Apple TV - but I’m none the wiser.

Just got a 3 month free trial of Apple TV so trying out “For All Mankind” - enjoying it so far, 3 episodes in.

Any thoughts?

I thought it went down abit in subsequent seasons but still ok as abit of light hearted entertainment.

Foundation, also available on Apple, is a better as a piece of sci-fi and visually.

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I’m enjoying it very much. The end of season 2 (episode 9 in particular) was really gripping. Now onto season 3 and still enjoying. But for a change from sci fi try Bad Sisters on Apple. It’s superb too as is Slow Horses


I tried watching Episode 6 last night but got thoroughly confused and gave up or fell asleep.

Probably me after a few glasses of wine trying to make my heavy cold of recent days more endurable.

I’m only through 3 episodes, enjoying it greatly.

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Royal Kill List

A very simplifies history of the regicides who had Charles 1st killed and the flight for life after Charles the Second came back to the throne.

The history of one is particularly forgotten , Thomas Harrison was a major supporter of Cromwell and did not flee when Charles 11 came back to the throne .

Castrated, disembowelled, didn’t hide, knew what was coming

Say what you will about the kings of the time, Cromwell was a particularly unpleasant and hypocritical person.