Interesting TV

We’ve only watched Episode 1 so far. Thought it was ok but hardly gripping. Mrs P thought it was ‘flat’ and some of the acting was a bit plank like.



‘Death in Paradise. Lost’?

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Just seen that S2 of Tokyo Vice starts tonight. Very much enjoyed Season 1 so this is an unexpected moment of high expectations!

Saw that as well - not advertised and put on late. I don’t understand as first series was brilliant

Granite Harbour. Wooden acting.

It’s atrocious.



It looked pretty bad on a 30 second promo!


Anybody watching ‘Sugar’ on AppleTV… like it as a formulaic noir but the secret reveal hasn’t added anything so far for me.

Catching up with Bettany Hugh’s " Treasures of the World" series 3.

Really interesting and covering places and stories that have never been on my radar.

“In this third season of Treasures of the World, Bettany visits the Estonian enclave where women rule, experiences extraordinary ancient traditions still practiced by the Muslim Pomaks in Bulgaria and discovers the Amazon warrior graves in Azerbaijan which are redrawing the boundaries between myth and history. Across Albania, Georgia and the Eastern Mediterranean she discovers remote communities, fresh archaeological digs and surprising untold stories.”

On Channel 4


Yes, we are and enjoying it.

Slightly different slant on a detective series, plus like the use of the old B&W clips.


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Can’t disagree. At least it’s over now…



C4’s ‘The Gathering’ after two episodes is shaping up nicely… I hope it maintains the suspense as there are numerous threads (read: sub-stories and suspects?) crossing over as the drama unfolds. Bonus: some nice location shots in and around Royal Albert Dock area, reminiscent of sights last year when we attended my eldest son’s graduation from University of Liverpool.

:crossed_fingers:the quality viewing continues…

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Couldn’t agree more, the plot was equally poor. I kept hoping that it was going to improve but unfortunately it didn’t. Such a shame when you compare it to some great dramas that have been shown recently. Three hours of my life I won’t get back.

You wonder how they can get so far in to making such evident rubbish before someone with a modicum of integrity and self respect says ‘Stop!’… ‘This rubbish is, well, RUBBISH!’

I once asked a tv actress friend about this and she explained that a) They are up against it budget wise and can’t afford the time to reshoot wooden performances, and b) Everything is filmed in such a fragmented way and then cobbled together afterwards that the true awfulness of it only becomes apparent then.

My wife and I met at Uni in Aberdeen, so that’s our excuse for 3hours laughing at the television.




Really enjoying season 3 of Clarksons Farm on Prime, the banter between Jeremy and now farm manager Kaleb is priceless.

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Me too, I don’t actually like Clarkson but an enjoying his softer side.

And damn it, those pigs are cute!


Yes but it’s rather sad, Mrs Pete left the room. I was moved by JC’s sympathetic attempts to save them.

Good ‘Inside no.9’ tonight :slightly_smiling_face:

As was last week!


Brilliant 3rd series and gets better as it progresses. The 4th episode ‘Harrowing’ is extremely sad.

I almost wasn’t going to watch season 3 as I do think JC a bit of a dinosaur but glad I did. Just goes to show people can change.

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