Kudos 606 for olives?

It makes sense to use KS-1 with the Kudos speakers just as it makes sense to use NACA5 with the Naim.

My greatest enemy are … my ears and the part between…
So far I can say…
The first moment was wow. There is a lot I like more - like room and deep stage in the mids.
There is some I would like better - some edges… which I normally prefer :rofl:
What I know… I would miss more !
That was exactly the same with nd555… I would have missed more, than I „disliked“ (with nd555 I lost some bass and round sound)

Instead of making various changes and adjustments, why don’t you do what many people do when testing kit at home? That is: remove what you already have and set up the new item (the Kudos 606) as close as you can to their ideal, final setup. Live with that for a week, trying various musical styles and favourites. Then revert back to what you had. If you miss what the 606 did, you keep them. If not, you’ve saved a few grand, so you can go on holiday.


That would be far too simple. It’s much more fun to make multiple changes simultaneously and then provide a live commentary. Apparently.


Of course. My mistake!

Far from normal people here… both of you speak the uttermost truth. Working on it.
As mentioned - my own devil I have…
Searching for flaws … searching for dislike but wanting so much to like. Deep psychology.

Will keep calm here if my posts are over the top - which I really much assume it is. Mote than hifi dilemma here

Please don’t worry about me or anyone else, just post what you like. It’s what makes you happy that matters.


Sorry @all
I did move SBL…first time in 21 years.
606 in speaker position - 20,5 cm from the wall. Bass is mighty and overall sound better as yesterday - what a surprise…
Still on ks1 - now naca 5 is ready to be used. But still surprised how good this tiny ks1 seems to be …

Ps: please no cable talk


l know kudos recommends 20cm but i use 35cm. in my environment i like the tighter bass and expanded soundstage i get. if you’ve got room give it a try. everything is looking good and hopefully sounding to your liking.

I am totally in love with all the bass (like Stu described) - like the wide soundstage as well… but near the wall sound is a bit darker what I like as well. will try a bit … next step 25 cm!

A a very quick test back to the SBl before moving them. Like the 606 a lot.

Kudos recommends 20 to 45cm. Start is at 20cm. You are fully in spec

Edit: 22cm… think it will be more soon. Much bass - as I collected all bass heavy songs :joy:


We can agree to disagree on that, put the wrong cable on a revealing speaker and it will automatically be mistaken for a bright sounding one, when actually it is not, regardless of the rest of the setup you suggest. Not entering a debate whatsoever, but some fiddlings are not to be underestimated, especially when performed in parallel with others.

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Not sure where you are located, but there are 2 pairs of 606 listed on the west coast USA on one of there popular sites. I’d been looking for a pair, but decided to switch my electronics first and getting ready to replace my 282/250dr for a smaller box count. Hopefully that will get my confidence 20 to the level I think/thought they are capable of.

Sure, but a baseline is required first in this instance.


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I am from min 10h flight … :slight_smile: = Germany
Bough mine for a very reasonable price pre loved…
After correct position - very very nice speaker :slight_smile:

I never doubted that - but as I know myself in flaw seeking. This is some kind of tricking my mind - having options tot week a bit in the direction, where my little devil does not kick in :slight_smile:

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I’ll be interested to hear what you think when you move to the SL speaker cable…I’ve just received some from my dealer to demo. They were cold out of the box (but well run in) and I’ve only managed a few tracks over my lunch break but initial impression by my son and I is that the difference over KS-1 isn’t subtle. Perhaps to be expected given the huge price difference.

It’s a pity that WH went bust as I am one of the few customers who have their erstwhile Spectre speaker cable on my 606s.

It was billed as a SL-level cable but about half the price. I upgraded to Spectre from KS-1 and have not regretted it one bit. They allow the 606s to shine like nothing I had before (WH Phantom and KS-1)

All the same……it will be interesting to hear your opinion of the SL cables?

FWIW……here are some pics of my Spectres. Terminations are Audioquest 500 gold at both amp and speaker ends.

Surprised Kudos doesn’t have a retailer in Sweden given its popularity in partnership with Naim and Naim being rather popular here. Never seen a pair of used ones here either. I know Denmark has retailers.

Any thoughts @Bjorn ? Talked to Akkelis about it at any point?

Funny that. I wanted to try WH Phantom but they were (allegedly) in the process of changing supplier. I bought KS-1 instead. A couple of weeks later WH announced the crowd funding offer for Spectre. I was tempted to place a pre-order but resisted. I thought I’d live with KS-1 for a while and see how Spectre went down on release. So, I dodged a bullet there.

I’d always said I wouldn’t pay Superlumina money for speaker cables however, I’m now at my end game system and am keen to extract every ounce of performance out of it. I’ve had the SL DIN - DIN for a good while now. Late last year a preloved pair of SL DIN-XLR’s came so I gave them a try and was pleasantly surprised at the uplift they gave over the stock cables….that got me to thinking about the full loom. Which brings me to today and the demo cables arriving.

Initial impressions are very good. I’m not very good at describing these things but I’ll try. They appear much clearer, more detail can be heard, soundstage is wider, vocals more natural, bass notes more clearly defined. So in essence it’s much easier to follow the individual instruments and the bottom end is less blurred and muddy. My son is still working upstairs so I’ve not listened at any great volume yet. He’s a perceptive lad. He’s just come down for a coffee and popped his head round the door and said “mums going to be mad again isn’t she”. I suspect he’s right ! More to follow.