Kudos 606 for olives?

Yes, it is a bit surprising, one might wonder why?:thinking: No, that question has not been up for discussion as far as I know.

Now in positioning mode :grinning:
606 is soo good.
They stand on the outer marks of SBL (where SBL was standing). As SBL is 1cm broader …
606 should be 1 cm more in distance (tweeter to tweeter) :joy: - this should be fine.

  • Total distance is 1,77 m (more can be done - but different to manage ) - inner distance, not tweeter to tweeter. Tweeter to tweeter = 2m
  • sofa is 2,1 m away. But I do not from which point I should measure (kudos guide tells me to the front of the sofa) I am 2,8m away, when I take the speaker to ear measurement.
    Think this is better

Resulting in an triangle 1,77 (2m) / 2,80.
sounds good! Does it fit with the theory? I assume so … as ears should tell best. Voices are in the middle with all the rest.

SBL was exactly the same … pulled the sofa a bit back as 606 are deeper and 23 cm from back wall

Why all the measuring … let my ear decide … point given. But want to do it as recommended😀

There was a couple of years ago. Listened to them, they are good, but not as good as Naim speakers when it comes to PRaT.

Seems like HIFI Art might sell some models still. I don’t have room for more PRaT! :wink:

Okay,then don’t go for Kudos,because the have a lot more PRaT than Tannoy :wink:

Speakers need to paint beautiful pictures too Igel! :grin:

That’s just for Roundearthers :grinning:

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I disagree a bit.
The first impression was… wow … there is a lot more prat than expected… a bit calmer and less speedy but much groove and foot movement

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If I may… please tell me to stop, if I step on some nerves.

Day 3 - kudos in its listening place (compared to SBL - my ears have been SBL burnt in)

  • 606 with more treble, more mids, 3x more bass (SBL a bit „milky“ sounding compared to 606. I think this would be a bit different, if I had replaced the 35 y old tweeter set).
  • SBL is very mid dominated and in my room extremely fast, which is very involving. Kudos a bit darker in the mids and deeper in soundstage.
  • bass … OMG - now I know what I have missed. First time hearing a bass drum in years. Massive in the room, when needed but not bloated.
  • treble … this is a bit of a 2 sided coin. There is a lot of sparkle with 606 - sometimes a bit too much (only a tiny bit). This is the slight cymbals and sibilance effect… But with this sparkle there comes this enormous soundstage
  • 606 is also a bit more picky with compressed cds - with better ones … wow! The difference in recordings is more noticeable.
  • soundstage… much bigger … a lot deeper and also wider… wow.
  • detail… there is more … definitely… sometimes appears to be less. But this is to the more round sound. And tones being more layered … overall 606 here much better.
  • prat… there is a lot of it. Even if it appeared to be a bit less speedy.
  • overall more relaxed with 606
  • foot tapping is massive
  • low volume very good

Edit: kudos is even more capable of showing differences in the chain - huge difference between 2 Ethernet cables. Cd recordings- theis difference is more noticeable than before. Damn high end :rofl:

Think I will have a look on vodka withdrawal:o)

Quick test - vodka is more prat and in the face … catsnake more calm but less prat. There is something to do
606 shows also every slight difference… catsnake is calmer (more musical - evtl less harsh?). Vodka is far more direct and punchy but edgy and a bit harsh.
Good to have both


Glad to hear you’re enjoying them :+1:

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I always found it funny when I read that only Naim speakers have Prat. Not talking about Naca 5, Graham hydra, ….and the best turntable in the world, the lp12 :joy:

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Pace refers to the speed at which a piece is played.

Come on … the analytical part is my part :rofl:
For prat is the naim signature with playing forward and involving very much.
By the way - would never refuse a dbl! If I ever space for them.

Sorry,couldn’t resist, PRaT: Pace Rhythm and Timing.
Glad that you’re happy with your new speakers :+1:
Someday you may treat your SBL’ s with new tweeters and gaskets :wink:
And for DBL’s you don’t need a big room.

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I would have not resisted either :joy:
I have a really big room, but as you see in the pic above - under the roof.

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It’s always nice to finally hear and feel bass, sbl’s and the like will never give you that, shame but that’s how it is

These lack of bass comments is something I’ve never understood, my SL2s and SBLs have no lack of bass whatsoever I guess mine are setup correctly :wink:


Yes - yours are set up correctly!
Had them set up fine once - yes the can do bass. But not the same bass as kudos can.

But kudos is not better in every state. Sbls can do what SBL can - magically!
Tested naca 5 today. Never thought of such great difference… naca 5 it tends a bit back to SBL.
More mid focus and a bit calmer, half back with less room … with kudos cable it is more open in the mids with a slight hardness (but this can also be fine and part of my ears burning in). Like the easiness of naca 5 but the room and transparency and groove of ks1 has some addiction

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By the way @drago congratulations with your new 606 they look great and close to the wall which for me is a bonus. To be fair I’ve had my eye on the 606s for a while now, love the styling and are the right size for my listening space to replace my SL2s on the main setup.

SBLs would go, SL2s move to the second setup to partner the Nait 50.

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Well they both only go down as far as 30hz so they cannot do real strong bass by design.
Bass is not there strong point even if they are 100% built, and set up correctly.
It’s when you get to hear a speaker do real bass that the penny drops. I had sbl’s running passive, and active for year’s, i also had them sealed correctly, and up against a solid wall so it’s not like i don’t know how they sound.
The kudos 606 also only go down to only 30hz but they are in a much bigger cabinet, and also have the benefit off twin bass drivers to move more air etc, plus a more modern design that also helps.

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