Kudos 606 for olives?

You know how I am full of doubts … and hesitating…
Sl2 is hard to beat! Never ever sell it. How nait 50 with sl2 sound - you know best :grinning:
You should try 606 … in fact they share a lot with SBL.
If not - they have already been boxed again.

Alternative speakers have a very short list for my room. Need them on the wall or very near the wall. Currently 22cm - could get more as naca5 has more bass.

On naca 5 again… overall more relaxed. Less detail compared to ks1. And less punch! But this come with some hardness making some cds a bit tricky to listen. Nothing with old naca5. Voices are a bit better with naca 5.
No final decision yet.

I’m not too phased by low hz numbers, looks good on paper and forums but to me comes down to the audio presentation, SL2s and SBLs may not hit those low hz figures but in the right room and setup correctly sound sooo good.


Listening to Vangelis Blade Runner the SL2s deliver to my lugs a beautiful performance, the space and the haunting presentation is there in spades, hard to believe this can be bettered. I’ve no doubt the Kudos is an exceptional speaker, technology moves on but by hell there’s life in the old dog…

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There is no doubt that the SBL is exceptional! She have done so much good for me in the last 35 years.
Iconic in sound and design. I have never thought that I ever take a step to move the on the tile floor or even put them aside.
My ears are so much adopted to the SBL … when it comes to old dog. I am really an old one :grinning:

I read here and in some forums that the 606 is very SBL like - doubted it.
But… sitting here and listening…

  • 606 is not so fast (must be as my room has sucked every bass out of SBL so the the presentation speeds up)
  • 606 on the other hand is better flowing and totally relaxed
  • 606 is as direct and punchy (with ks1 cable even more as SBL)
  • 606 is playing upfront as SBL and (that’s new) playing a deep soundstage… amazing
  • 606 has more details but not a bit analytical…

And 606 can be placed near the wall…

Overall sound colour is not so far away between SBL and 606.
Thanks to all - especially @HungryHalibut … you are so right … replacing only 606 and nothing more is the correct way. Once again I have overdone things … :smirk:

606 is a slight bit on the bright side - but this was sbl too - especially in my bad setup.


Good to hear you’re enjoying the 606 Drago. Maybe try not to over-analyse things tho. Analysis is good, but too much of a good thing and all that…


Damn - you hit the point …
It was this morning where I had slight mind-Problem when I again saw that the is a slight gap between the wooden side panels and the body of 606. even if I saw the same in showroom … and on pictures …
That’s Drago…
Thanks @Stu299 very much for encouraging me

Well @drago , are you listening to more music now that you have the 606s? Are you enjoying listening to music more? These are the true factors that determine if a change was good or not.

As @Stu299 advises, try not to over analyse. You will always find differences - some better aspects of one item, some better of the other.

If you find yourself wanting to explore your music collection again then you know the change is right. If not, I would suggest it is may be just a sideways movement.


I listen as often as ever - very often. But exploring again is what I do … so much new in presentation!

You have a wonderful pair of speakers Drago and I’m 100% sure they’ll bring you untold enjoyment.

Just like your SBL have.

I’ve read your posts carefully and I think it’s not the 606’s you are struggling, it’s letting go of the SBL’s.

I think it’s pointless comparing the two. Like two ex partners that you both loved.


That’s fantastic news. It sounds to me as if you can stop the analysis, put the SBLs out of your mind and continue to rediscover your music collection.

Thanks a lot also for staying by my side with my hifi-dilemma (which has became a bit out of reality focus, when thinking about Dan’s situation).
Some day we might have a chance to meet … who knows :grinning:

And no gap analysis anymore - as this what I do by profession … as you all might guess. :rofl:

Listening to the latest David Byrne album (American utopia) … phantastic

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I really had a luck moment in finding a P/L 606. they do not come very often - there are some ex-demo ones but never a used one and never from a dealer …

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So glad to hear that you are enjoying them. I have had my 606s for around 5 years and would not consider changing them.

A different presentation it is … there are a few songs where the overall round sound seems to cover some ultra details, which are not covered but layered. SBL in my analytical bass light setup here we’re much more 2D.
My reference Album for all times (Lambchop- is a woman) never sounded better. There is deep bass which I never heard before. More details and room. Goosebumps

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Perfect. Your favourite album sounds better than ever - proof that you have made a major improvement for the better.

Forget the SBLs now!


l think as your speakers and cables settle they will improve even more. i personally love the 606 bass but think the tweeter is one of the best i have ever heard. if you ever get a chance and can try a pair of ansuz x2 speaker cables give them a shot. i think they pair extrodinarily well with the 606s

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I hav put them aside… but there is no forgetting… maybe they are in a second system some day.
First need to think about good storage

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Now loving them with naca5.
And the gaia 2 I ordered… maybe I send them back unopened. All is fine now.
Next upgrade at later stage …
As recommended in the first place