Kudos 606 for olives?

Where do you measure the distance at the speaker?
At the top like in the kudos guide (not exactly the back side) - measurement a bit too long. Here I have already 30cm.
Or at the back of the wooden side panel. Here the measurement is a bit too short.

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I measure mine from the back panel not the side cheeks which extend further. When I say measure, I don’t actually measure but rather just move the speakers slightly at a time and then judge the effect. When I was happy I just left them and then measured just to see what it was - mine are in fact 21cm from the front wall.

I get very good bass regardless of musical style - heavy bass is replayed very well as is light bass. It is not practical for me to bring the speakers any further into the room but I don’t feel that I need to. Don’t worry about measurements - trust your ears.

the back top edge.

The position of his trigger finger (see photo)?

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I have never heard a speaker sound natural and free flowing when up against walls. My speakers are front baffle 183 cm from front wall. I think this is what makes it sound like music and not a stereo. You should try it if you can. Get the speakers clear of wall boundaries. Also, my speakers are claimed to work good near front wall, I disagree.


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If so I am at 30 cm already :grinning:

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Fluffing heck, I’d need a bigger room, actually I’d need a bigger house if my speakers are that far from the wall.



Nearly 2 m between wall and speaker - wow. A quote from the movie contact comes to my mind „… would be a terrible waste of space“ :rofl:
Kidding - nice House :+1:

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It’s not 2 meters between the wall and the speaker. It’s between the wall and the baffle (front of the speakers). But, yes it is way out in the room. My stereo takes up 1/3 of the room, more or less :grimacing:


Hi guys,
I have a spare olive Snaxo 2-4 (for SBL?) for sale.
A bit hesitant- should I keep it - can I use it with 606 as well?
Think not as snaxo for 606 is available- in uk only I remembered.
And kudos crossover is on its way.
Keeping for spare SBL purposes ?

Have not experimented more. 606 still 24cm from rear wall (30cm measured on top).
Thought about plugging in the ee8 instead of phoenix net. But as I read again my impressions going from ee8 to PN. Room and midrange is more my liking than pure speed. Maybe will test someday anyway.

Overall 606 is more energetic than SBL - more dynamic without being sounding stressed. Sound is darker - which is good and … voices had some benefit of the slightly brighter SBL sound. But all there with 606.
hands clapping sounding so much more real with 606 for instance.
And much air between instruments…
I very much think that I will be surprised when switching back to SBL how much more detail the 606 is giving. But no switching any more :grinning:


Yes, keep it because you’re bound to end up changing back to the SBL’s one day.

Is that what’s known in the trade as “breaking news”?


Ok - I will shut up! :grimacing:
No - why should I shut up. Understand you very well @JimDog, this is far from being breaking news, but there is no need to read further if you are not interested. That’s how this forum works so well. Being nice and accepting all the strange people, like Drago :laughing:

It’s certainly strange to refer to yourself in the third person, but so long as you are happy that’s all that matters. And if you are happy why not tell us about it. It makes a nice change from people moaning about stuff and spending loads of money and not hearing any benefits. You go, Drago!!

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@drago I did not remember if you purchased Isoacoustic Gaia II for your Kudos. I did for my 606 just one week ago after months of doubts. I’m really satisfied, they are incredible. If you can I suggest you to give it a try :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Fully agree with you here. I fitted Gaia 2 to my 606s a few months back and love them. A very effective upgrade.

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Thanks :blush:

I am ready for another step.
How wobbly are the speakers on the Gaias. This is what is holding me a bit back at the moment together with the adjustment not being fine enough.