Kudos 606 for olives?

I have a big room with plasterboard walls. SBL is 4 cm away. 15 to 20 will be my first idea :grinning:

I have seen some of you here have them really close to the wall.

I Read somewhere, that there are some alternative spikes recommended.
Any suggestions or a link on the topic is appreciated.
Found it - track audio. Are these alternatives or the standard ones?
Gaias may also be an option

I have a spare set of 8 Fraim chips.
Should i try these under the standard spikes? Room is with tiled floor.

Go with the standard spikes and Fraim Chips, at least for the time being

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Thank you all.
Typical… now I am looking for flaws in the net…
Some spoke about a treble harshness (sibilance). Ok - I will see and can think about it, when I hear it… Point given!
Is there any tweak or room placement option, which might reduce it?

I had my 606 on the standard Track Audio spikes and shoes for 2 years and they were fine.

But then I bit the bullet and tried these as a replacement. I sold the original spikes and shoes a couple of weeks later.

Caveat: all above on a solid wood floor.


I would just try them and see what you think - the treble is open and detailed and certainly not as ‘hot’ as the S20. There are a lot of opinions out there but as long as you like the result, it’s not important what others think.
Start with the Kudos recommendation of pointing straight ahead and approx 2m apart. Give them a couple of days to settle in as the decoupling pads that attach the wooden side panels to the central core , ‘relax’ again after they’ve been moved / handled.


And just make sure the integral bases haven’t become loose, worth nipping them up before you work on placement. Other than that, follow what james_n says, they’re really quite easy to place.

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This is a full match post…
Just found out that the dealer has removed the base for transport - I do not know, if they misunderstood the original packaging. The bases are now packed in an extra box. But I am 100% sure that they did it with enough time and love. He send me pictures - looks all fine.

Will this be a problem - or easy going …

  • letting them get room temperature
  • carefully mount the base plate cross wise…

THANKS for encouragement

PS: Called a Kudos dealer - no big deal - just 4 x screw and be ready…


I think that your dealer might mean that the spikes have been removed and put in a separate box, which is how they are normlly supplied - mine came the same way.

To fix them back on you need a 13 mm spanner and as narrow as possible so as it can access underneath where the spikes are, a conventional, thicker spanner body won’t allow you to adjust the two locking elements individually. You will understand this better when you receive them.

Separate from these are the four bolts on the underside of the speaker stands that can become loose over time and just need to be be nipped up with an allen key. Again, you will easily see this when you receive them.

None of this is in any way difficult to do, you’ll be fine. :+1:

No - the base plate / stand has been removed :unamused: - for transport. BUT - all is packed nicely.
The four screws are out and I need to fix both base plates again.

Another Kudos dealer told me, that this is no problem - mounting the base plate again is a quick job.
4 screws - Allen key. And I bought a premium Allen key set recently …

Spikes are in its wooden box.

The 4 flat ones in the middle have been pulled out. So I can clean all surfaces perfectly and fix it 100% nanometer correct :slight_smile:

Other Kudos Speakers have the option to re mount the base either with rounded edge or sharp edge in the front. Therefore I think the 4 screws can be dealt by me… I will be very careful. Coming from SBL - I think this is definitely less to do :slight_smile:


You could buy some kudos speaker cables.

IME they go very well with SL2s.

So even if you send the kudos speakers back, you may get some use out of Kudos speaker cables.

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Mine were unlistenable at 15cm away. Bass became very bloated. I also have plasterboard.

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No NAP 135s sound more powerful than any 250

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Wow … this will be a new experience… I will see. I have a big room with pitched roof - this might add bass - but I sit in the middle - less bass. I will start at 20 cm… will tell here - promise :slight_smile:

Planning as a first test to put the 606 directly in front of the sbl … :slight_smile: Only to have a first impressions what is coming. Then I have to do something I was always afraid of… MOVING THE SBLs.
I bought some harder felt trivet where I can pin the SBLs on and move them carefully on the tile floor :slight_smile:


Not on paper :rofl: NAP 250DR is 80 watts - 135 is 75 watts. But definitely in heart :slight_smile:

Believe me I’ve heard every generation of the 250. Don’t go by the on paper specifications.

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This is where I ended up. I did have them at 23cm from memory and it was fun for a while but I found the bass a bit too much when the novelty of all that boom and thunder wore off!

sorry - is it 31 cm?

30 cm is a lot - if so, I must put the sofa back and than the TV is smaller in size when watching… no problem… I am more listening to music lately :slight_smile:

Room is really big 42 square meter. naim stuff is on the lowest wall … over 7 m.

Depends where you measure from. Hang on I’ll do another pic

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Wall (room) to back wall (606) is what I think