Kudos 606 for olives?

Excited to hear your verdict on 606.

Is the plinth base made of solid aluminium metal or thick plastic/wood?

And from all threads I read KS-1 is more of a neutral balanced cable where Naca5 is bit more heavy sounding in the bass area. Which makes me think naca5 is your cable. Room dependent of course with new speakers.

I do Not know from what the base is made from - think it is HDF or some kind of plastic-wood.
@Stu299 or @Dave - do you have any idea?
@mech why do you ask?

Dealer called early this morning - a premium person - thats for sure.
He also called another dealer and was told that the base has to be mounted when packed.
He unpacked it - mounted the bases again and repacked them as they should …

Next step … transport … :slight_smile:

Looks like hard plastic to me.

I phoned some dealers today - KS1 can be made. But I wait till the 606 is here.
2 of the dealers had an SBL - yeah all is community :slight_smile:
Hot treble was also mentioned - now I am afraid (again), but I will definitely see myself - better hear myself…


The base looks like some sort of coated wooden material. Probably the same material as the rest of the core of the speaker.

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Chord Company Epic x (not Epic XL) is a good sounding and good looking cable and is reasonanly priced.

It’s silver plated OFC Copper, it has a more open and detailed sound than Nac A4/A5 which sounds heavy, dark, closed in.

I have an active 4x 135 into SL2’s and have Nac A5 on the mid/Bass and Witch Hat Phantom on the tweeters.

Tks for the close up view. Looked industrial enough to me.

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@drago nothing in particular, but I do like the look of a more coated textured style than a plastic smooth style :laughing:

You really don’t need to worry about that, it doesn’t apply to the Titan range.

I often found Naca5 a bit harsh on the treble (on Isobariks, WB Arcs, Kudos S20) but moving on from them resolved that.


Agreed not so much as a hint of hot treble with my 606

Can only assume the boxes feeding the 606 weren’t up to the job if treble was hot

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My 52/135 must be capable of the job I think!

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No question of that :+1:

Just made some hifi journey and visited a nearby dealer … he offered me to test ATC 40 at home, when 606 will not fit. Fine … options for me and the journey begins :slight_smile:

just wondering, have you actually listened to the 606s yet?

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Yes - have done it once in 2022 at a naim dealer - liked them for detail and bass. And they where the first speaker, where no “mine are far better” emotion came when back home. This normally comes, when being at some kind of hifi show.

What I will definitely do - listen 606 first ! before running after the next one.

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that’s good. i will add one observation of mine. i have 606s and other than loving their sonic signature, their ability to be placed in my room without many of the constraints of other speakers has made them my favorite speaker. in fact i had purchased a new pair of boressen z2s and replaced them with the 606s. just much better in my home.

included this picture so you can see how unobtrusive they are, fit right into the living environnent. also probably the best off axis listening i have ever had.


@SRO Which color are yours? Tineo red? Don’t know, if mine are the red or the standard Tineo… see …

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your speakers look like the standard timeo. had some 505s in that finish. mine are standard timeo too but darker closer to red.