Kudos 606 for olives?

Another question to the 606 owners.
How does it work with low volumes?
Just read that the poorer the sensivity, the less good it works on low volume…
But on the other hand, when it needs a bit more power, it might also be better when the amp is coming out of its cage … pure speculation

mine are very good at low levels. low levels for me would be volume set as low as -56 to -40.

But you have a massive powerful amp :rofl:

yes but even when played with my 250dr they were very good. i will say one of the reasons i switched from naim amplification was the lack of control for low level listening. naim seem to have very small volume adjustment levels fron on to loud.

If you refer to the endless game in tapping on the remote … hop … too loud.
Yes - that s a bit annoying…
Might get better as I need to pull volume a bit more up.

But that is not referring to the sound quality at low volumes
with naim sbl - low volume is very fine :grinning:

hopefully you’ll like the 606s too.

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Thanks - I really hope to so…
One one hand … worrying before they are even here could surprise me how good they are, when here. Or self fulfilling… I chose option one! :grinning:

Had a stunning nice moment this afternoon…
I found a set of n-brackets, which I bought from a hifi-web-portal (who knows what it is good for :slight_smile: ).
Seller was nearby and I picked it up.
By community-coincidence the seller was the distributor of Kudos (and vertere), which I have known personally for a long time. He gave me an exclusive demo of the 808 (252/300/NDX2) in his showroom and a demo of the MG Veretere. 808 is … hard to describe … without any drama … pure music and open minds … fast … wonderful! Not a bit sharp on treble.
Now I am totally looking forward to my 606 … if there is any house sound … I could like the 606.

And the vertere TT - this could be a next project … GREAT!

Thanks for the surprising nice afternoon :slight_smile:

PS: This 808 is hard to get out of your mind… if ever my room is big enough… this will be it!


I have my nSats suspended by a pair of these in my loft system. 808s downstairs :wink:

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Yeah - good to have both. WOW - 808 … what a speaker! No thunderstorm effect - so calm and so direct and good!

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As long as you don’t move them on, that’s fine.

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Managed to get a KS-1 for demo… (so many THX) and the 606 are in transit.
All prepared and ready for arrival :slight_smile:


NEVER EVER! They are a keeper till the end :slight_smile:

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@drago so now you can appreciate that the treble on the 606 isn’t “hot”. The 808 snd 606 share the same tweeter.


Will See tomorrow - at 808 there is no hotness whatsoever… SBL more harsh - BUT different rooms.
Heard the vertere Pulse XS LS cable against SL. It was better. VERY nice cable!

LS cable (on 808 with naim and vertere MG):

  • Vertere pulse XS
  • naim SL
  • Kudos KS 1
  • naim naca 5

Clear winner … vertere Pulse XS
naim naca 5 … not bad… rough and dirty But also a bit harsh
kudos less harsh and a bit calmer - a bit better but close
SL … all abbaut resolution … very detailed but a bit too clean
vertere best of all - less detail than SL but very groovy.

Same song
on naim SL - singer at beginning of the career seems to be in an audition and is very concentrated to give all she/he can - and it is a success
on vertere - singer has years of practice is famous and plays with fun

This could be future upgrade :slight_smile:


If you can, try also Tellurium Ultra Black II speaker cable. Very good with Naim system, detailed and groovy.

And don’t forget Oephi cables.

606 should come today… raining badly :frowning:
Must manage pick-up fast.

Currently in full doubt mode…
Will it be as magic and fast as the SBL… ?
Am I ready for the change…?
Only ears will tell :slight_smile:

Will test them standing in front of SBL first - with KS1 cable.
Quick check before moving SBL to the side.
As sofa is in the middle it is no problem to push it back to have similar distances as before…

Very exciting… most “invasive” upgrade I have done

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If I were you I would not change more than speakers for the first test to avoid too many changes at once. This should give you a more proper test result if comparing them against SBL is what you are after. That is, use NACA5 with 606 and later change to KS-1. Kind recommendations :slight_smile:


Totally fine - will definitely do this …
Changes in room placement is bad.
Why this silly plan?
Afraid moving SBL :crazy_face: