Kudos 606 for olives?

What kind of music do you mainly listen to?

Solo bass guitar is my guess

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singer/songwriter and electronic

They’re both made by Vertere, you’d expect them to keep the best for themselves!

Super Lumina cables are made by Vertere? Didn’t know that.

Everything is hurting in my body… 606 going to room temperature


you really need to try and relax and enjoy this experience. this should be an exciting experience not a painful one. you’re going to give yourself a heart attack. just my thoughts. good luck!


There are 5 caps at the base. Should the fifth stay in the position. The one in the front - in the middle.

Could you post a picture so we can see?

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no caps left on my base but all the screw-ins are tight and in every opening. spikes only on the corners.

here’s a good picture

Different at mine!

if you have an extra screw-in with cap in the middle front i would not be overly concerned. i would remone the cap and make sure the screw-in is tight. i’m assuming that kudos may have made some changes to the bases over the years. you can always call them to verify.

Looks like a spare one :grinning:
The screw is too short to get through the base

i suspect you are correct, an extra.

Kudos Matratzenlager!

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Don’t we all hate when a speaker feet suddenly is lost :smile::man_shrugging:


Dänisches Bettenhaus :slight_smile:

Ok… first sound coming out of 606… interested?

I have done the bad boy variant - 606 placed in front of SBL.
Kudos ks 1 cable … much better to dress for preliminary setup.

First impression…
… bass … yeah it is possible. But not fat - defined and fast ….
Let’s go with the better vs. SBL - from mind (a/b not so easy here to set up).

  • sound is very similar to 808 I heared 2 days ago.
  • mids are there - but there is more below and more above (like high end loudness).
  • room … wow there is more
  • detail … much more

Let me try to remember from SBL (nearly 40 years old, mk1, not re-sealed, old tweeter…) compared to 606.

  • sibilance… sbl wins… there is some with 606
  • punch (= sound pushing forward) thought this is what only sbls can - nope! 606 pushes as well. No winner here
  • brightness … hard. 606 is a bit clearer and transparent which comes with brightness… but there is also more round sound…sbls more harsh… no winner here.
  • detail… clear winner is 606 - phantastic… no words.
  • room … clear winner 606… greater and deeper … real good
  • foot tapping factor (also known as prat) - 606 can do it same way. Never thought that.
  • voices … difficult… sibilance is a bit at 606… here voices are also a bit calmer - with SBL more dominated. As it should with less bass. Slight winner SBL … bit very slight.
  • bass… wow… I know what I miss
  • harshness… sbls are a bit harsh in my room. There are still some frequencies which were too pushy - but same with SBL. Only other frequencies…. Slight winner 606. in some songs it is so much better.
  • rough sound… like it. Both can do :o)
  • mids … SBL is only mids. 606 is surprisingly capable here. Both can do.
  • full sound… clear winner 606
  • relaxed… clear winner 606… not as hasty as sbls in some tracks.

For the dirty test … surprisingly good :blush:

One thing for sure - will definitely move the SBL … have to…



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