Kudos Heaven


Are your Herbies Gliders the Regular, or Giant ones?

I have the regulars. They are great on wood or solid floors. I think for carpet the giants may be better based on reviews I read on Herbie’s site.

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Your profile mentions a ‘Naim Cryoed Power Cable’.

Is it a Powerline, and how did you get it cryoed?

If he’s in the States there is a shop named AVOptions that can cryo Powerlines.

Have you ever heard any cryoed gear?

Yes, I have. I have a pair of NACA5 that are cryo’d and they fantastic. My SNAIC4 and SNAIC5 were complimentary cryo’d when I had my HiCapDr recapped.


Did you hear them before being cryo-ed?

What effect does cryo-ing have on the sound of Naim cables?

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Great speakers …wish I could accommodate a pair…faberoo

In the US I purchased it from AV Options. The sound seemed cleaner to me and more detailed. Not a major change but for the price seemed pretty good. I have about 6 of these cryoed power cords that I was using in my previous system. They were my default cords prior to switching to Ansuz X2 cords. I compared them against some Audioquest $200 cords and preferred their sound but also for the flexibility.

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My experience mirrors @SRO

Just out of interest, what’s the absolute minimum amp wise that one could get away with - until finds allow with the Kudos 808 ?

Would say a Supernait 3 be a totally waste of time to even try ?

Asking for a friend……

Once heard a 200 driving the old Kudos 88s, it did very well.

Have you considered the Track Audio Feet? Don’t know too much about them, but I think they work a bit like the Gaias.
Two sets of four are about £1,050.


Yes, I considered also this option but apart the huge cost, I guess that they increase too much the loudspeaker height compared to the original spikes or Gaia II. Unfortunately I have no change to try anything before purchasing.


I recently purchased a used SuperNait 3 for a garden room system. Just for fun to check it out I plugged it in my main system in place of 552/500, driving Kudos Titan 808s. It was surprisingly good! Given the price difference (£4k vs. £52k), it was quite an eye opener. Obviously it didn’t have the control or finesse of the bigger amps, but it certainly has the ‘Naim sound’.


Kudos 606s being collected this week. Initially to replace Linn speakers in an AV system, together with a NAP250DR - brand new at an exceptionally attractive price.
I’m planning to put them on Gaia II to establish optimum position, given the room is all askew.
I have a spare set of Naca 5, anyone have a preference between Naim cable versus the Kudos KS1 using Naim NAP?
My Naim dealer is not unfortunately a Kudos dealer, so I’m initially reluctant to ask for a home demo from elsewhere.


I’ve listened to a system using both NACA5 and KS-1 and preferred the KS-1.


Do you have the urge to upgrade to 808 or you think 707 is very good enough for you?