Kudos Heaven

As long as I use this site I’ll be tempted to go for 808s.
Every time I’ve heard them I’ve been tempted, they are excellent speakers, especially with Naim products.
The 707s are very good but I have to admit the 808s are a different level altogether.

I’ve just bought an ex-demo pair of 505s. Should be picking them up next week. I’m considering replacing my Tellurium Q Black speaker cables with KS-1. The only thing putting me off is that the existing cables run under the floorboards (with fitted carpet) so it will be a PITA to make the change.

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No pain no gain. :wink:
The KS-1 is very discreet and runs along the front of skirting invisibly. :face_with_monocle:
Kudos with Kudos lives here. :heart_eyes:
I like all my cables in the same room at the same temperature as everything else. :exploding_head:


FWIW, I really liked TQ Black with my PMC 20.26’s. When I got my 707’s I tried the TQ Black and Ultra Black but both put too much bass in. I tried the KS-1 and much preferred it.


808 for me then :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I had the NAC A5, then went over to the KS-1, which I much prefer.



If you’re in the market for speakers at that price, try the PMC MB2’s.

@Buryfc why do you prefer these speakers over the 808? Can you explain your take on the differences please? I have not looked at PMC but do have Kudos and am always interested to learn about alternatives.

@Steve I can’t help I’m afraid. I’ve never heard the 808’s and have only heard the MB2’s in a non Naim system at a dealers….but they were fantastic speakers.

I’m a big fan of PMC speakers having had GB1i’s, FB1i’s and 20.26’s. When I upgraded last time I tried the Fact 12’s but my (then) 300DR couldn’t drive them. I tried the 707’s and really liked them so went with them. I do have a nagging doubt that if I’d had the 500DR then my choice may have been different.

The point of my previous post though was if you are looking at spending up to £30K on speakers I’d be trying more than one to make sure I’m happy !


Wow, that is one huge speaker. The size might be a challenge in my room.

I have 1 question on the Titan 808. It says it is a 2.5 way speaker. When researching for speaker people often say mid-range is the most important in a 3-way system (High, Mid and Bass).

Why is the Titan 808 not a 3 way speaker (seeing there are 3 drivers :thinking:)

Is the middle one a true mid-range driver? (sori somewhat newbie to speaker design)

I also see a lot of speaker having more than 1 or even 3 woofer drivers like the Magico A5 (having 3 bass driver), what’s the use of so many?

It’s described as a 2.5 way rather than a 3 way as the midrange is actually a mid-bass driver rather than a true midrange driver.

Remember it’s also an Isobaric design so there is another bass driver mounted in a sealed coupled cavity behind the front one in the lower cabinet, so it’s a 2.5 way, 4 driver, speaker.

When choosing a speaker is it always better to pick one with a true separate dedicated mid-range driver rather than a mid-bass driver as much as possible?

Or is the decision much more complicated than that?

It’s all about compromises. No ‘best’ solution here. Just choose what you think sounds good to you, with your system, in your room.

Don’t worry too much about the design approach :+1:


I’ve just received a pair of Kudos KS1 already terminated by Analogue Seduction. Here below the connectors pictures. Cable is not welded on the connectors but fixed by screw on the wire. I also have a pair of Naim plugs available. May worth to change connectors at ampli side with Naim Plugs or not?

This is how Cymbiosis did mine all soldered. :wink: :+1:t2:


Likewise. Mine from Signals came Naim plugged by specification.



KS-1 supplied by Cymbiosis here - excellently soldered at both ends with naim plugs as I requested.


Thank you for your feedback!
I’ve just replaced the plugs with the Naim connectors. In the next few days I’ll compare Kudos KS1 with my trusty TQ Ultra Black II :crossed_fingers:t2:.


I have the 606s and the Kudos K1. They work beautifully together.
The spikes that come with your 606s are from Track Audio. I am going to try their Isolation feet which looks as though they work in a similar way to the Gaias, but the spikes sit in their shoes.

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I will be interested to hear your findings. Gaia ii, AUVA 70 or track audio for me - haven’t seen any comments or reviews on track audio yet.

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