Kudos Titan 606

No the Kudos importer/dealer is in Wayne, IL

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I happen to live 3 miles from a very good hi fi dealer. Unfortunately, Naim just isnā€™t their thingā€¦so while I got started there with Naim 8 years ago, now-a-days I have to look elsewhere. But they were happy to let me do a home demo of the Magico speakers I ended up buying. They lend out ā€˜stuffā€™ to try at home all the time.

Hi Bart, what improvement did you find with the Magicoā€™s over the Devoreā€™s?

The Devores got a little ā€˜shoutyā€™ to me over time. Meaning too much midrange at louder volumes. Perhaps they matched my Nait XS better than the 252/250 and then 300 that I moved to.

The A3ā€™s are way more balanced, and the bass is significantly stronger overall; and Iā€™ve come to appreciate the sealed-box bass. (I played off and on with a subwoofer with the Devores; not needed with the Magicos.)

I was using a pair of Super 8ā€™s and thought they worked well with Naim, though a bit bass shy. Is it your previous 252/supercap that Tyler is offering?

Yup - I had them a relatively short period of time!

The set is like new, didnā€™t take you long to move up! But yes, gently used 552ā€™s come up rarely here, Iā€™d certainly buy new too.

Fun thread! Itā€™s taking some fun twists and turns.

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I havenā€™t but one forum member heard them with the Nova and was very impressed. I have heard them with the Linn Selekt and similarly I thought it excellent.

If I eventually move to a smaller property/apartment I could see such an arrangement being just what I need.



Mr Parry returned recently to seek advice on streamers. I understand he has gone to Spain for a few weeks. His permanent return would be very welcome.

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Hi Lindsay. The issue for me is that a Ā£7k or Ā£9k speaker being used with electronics costing Ā£4k in total just doesnā€™t seem right, having been a source-first person for so long. The Nova/505 might be great of course, but it was the Nova/606 that was mentioned, which seems too extreme to me. I know many people love Kudos speakers and Iā€™m sure they are super. But if a ā€˜must have Kudos 606 for Ā£9kā€™ idea gets into someoneā€™s head and they can only afford a Nova to drive them, that seems wrong and is putting the cart before the horse. An NDS, 252 and 300 would be entirely different. The Forum gets its little obsessions from time to time - Kudos Titans, the Hugo, Melco and yes, even the 272! But just because something is popular doesnā€™t make it for everyone and doesnā€™t give it magical powers. The need to listen for oneself, and to build the system in a sensible way, still applies. I hope that makes sense!


I have heard the 505/Nova combination and was mightily impressed.

However what HH says above makes perfect sense and is good advice. But I too am of the ā€˜source first persuasionā€™.

If someone wants to start with a Nova and 606s but plan to move the amplification on over time but the 606s are keepers, then I would say that is not a bad idea. Just realise you will not be getting the best from the 606s while being driven by a Nova.

I am all for saving upgrade steps, as this is a far cheaper strategy in the long run. Again you would have to listen to a Nova/606 combination to see if this is a worthy starting place.


Well, it looks like the consensus is that Nova wonā€™t get the best out of these speakers so in that case I wonā€™t even bother with them. Not spending Ā£9k on speakers when Ā£3-5k ones would do the job fine and give more value for money.

I could, of course, buy better amplification but I donā€™t want to go down that route at all. It is not for me. Iā€™m a one box man and intend to stay that way. :smile:

I think thatā€™s right. It could be a reasonable starting point but not an entirely logical end point. When I got my SL2s I had ā€˜onlyā€™ a 272/250DR and carefully with the dealer selling the speakers (Cymbiosis) that they thought it would be ok. With their reassurance I went ahead. Now the electronics are better I feel the speakers are working as they should, though they have plenty more untapped potential. But then, I paid Ā£2k rather than Ā£9k.

You forgot the Lavry which was very much raved about back in the dayā€¦ :grinning:

Nigel/Nigel/all. Well I have never been of the source first persuasion. I am minded towards synergy and that means particularly room speaker interface and of course electronics to match. There are many ways to skin the cat. Of course the 505 and 606s will deliver more when matched with say a 272/300 than a Nova but equally a cheaper speaker will not show a ND555/552/500 at its best with say Neat Iota as good as the latter is. Which is best is all in the ear of the beholder and maybe dictated by circumstances. If it were me and I thought the Titan 505 or 606 the speaker for me and it worked in my room with a Nova Iā€™d probably plump that way with a view to upgrading the electronics at a later date if so minded.

Who mentioned the Lavry? The future of high end replay for Ā£350!



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Very sensible descision just take your time and always try at home if possible.

Also donā€™t think that speaker X is better than speaker Y because it is more expensive pick the ones that you enjoy listening to music on the most

I hope you enjoy your time evaluating your choices as much as I did.


There are many factors to consider when putting a system together. Not everyone has the wealth or inclination to ā€˜progressā€™ up the tree towards an ultimate solution (letā€™s say 500 system for arguments sake).
The source first argument is good to a point - You donā€™t want too good a front end in relation to the rest of the system because you wonā€™t get close to realising its full potential. Also technology moves on at a pace so you might want an upgrade before funds allow for the rest of the system to catch up.

Speaker choice is different to electronics choice because they have to perform several functions; primarily as the voice of the whole system but also perhaps as acceptable furniture and will have a function even when not in use.
Electronics will usually be less important in the looks department and can concentrate purely on function (obviously some designs will polarise opinion).

As long as the basics are covered i.e. electronics can drive the speakers acceptably then it can be a good solution. The Nova is no slouch so I suspect it could drive them OK (yes, not to full potential).

There are many factors to consider and just as we all have different musical tastes we also have different requirements from our systems.

As a rule of thumb a Ā£4K source which includes the amplification vs speakers at Ā£9k would be classed as an unnecessary spend for speakers but this is just a guide.

The sensible consensus is to always try before buying. Those of us offering opinions are not the ones who have to live with the decision!

Good luck to the OP!


Brilliant post.

If you are committed to just one box, the Nova is obviously the end of the road with Naim. Sure, the 606 will sound better with a more expensive multi-box system, but if that isnā€™t acceptable to you for whatever aesthetic or other reasons, I donā€™t see why you should still restrict your speaker choice by some arbitrarily selected maximum price. If you can afford the Titans, go for it. Iā€™m sure you would want to listen to some cheaper options too, just to make sure that they are worth the extra cost.