Kudos Titan 606

No I haven’t tried them across the room they would be too close for large speakers and I prefer sitting back from them. You also have to consider available wall space for the equipment and where (in my case) the socket for the dedicated mains supply is and this being so I could not physically place them either side of the fireplace opposite the armchairs. Looking at his photos Polar Bear also has his 808s like this. It’s all down to personal preference of course no harm in you trying the 606s both ways and see how they work for you.

The 606s look just right in your room and I bet they sound the business too. I’ve heard them at Cymbiosis on a couple of occasions and I’ve been most impressed by the sound they make. I’ve also heard the 808 and 707, but IMHO the 606 seems to offer a more integrated and balanced sound. I doubt you’ll be able to let them go. FWIW I really like the walnut finish.


Clive, I am extremely pleased with the 606s they integrate well with the room and sound amazing the system sounds so well balanced.They are also excellent at low volume listing levels.

I did listen to the 505s last week at the dealer they were also very good
but felt the 606s had a more integrated and seamless presentation.

The next choice is what finish? the Walnut is very nice but I have light Oak furniture and a Bamboo rack so the Tineo finish might be more in keeping with the rest of the room.

I am pretty sure the 505s at the dealer are in the Tineo finish so I will have some idea when I visit later this week. I don’t want to disturb the dealer at the moment as he might want them back !!! I will hang on as long as possible.

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Simple: change the rack, change the furniture and keep the walnut 606s!

I have an oak floor, yet my NBLs are walnut and they still look right (but then Naim NBLs look right whatever finish and whatever surroundings!). As do SBLs too, of course.

I hope to be going to Audience later this afternoon to collect my crossovers. I’ll let Iain know that you are eager for him to come and take the speakers away :crazy_face:

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If you do decide to get them in Oak finish I’d be interested in what you think when you get them as oak is the only finish that would work for us and if I am to win SWMBO over to the idea of Titans I’d need them to be oak.

Yes I don’t think I have ever seen an oak pair so someone hereabouts might care to post a photo.

I love my 606’s


I did contact Kudos yesterday to get an update on the standard range of finishes that are currently offered and the are,Walnut, Tineo, Red Tineo, Black Ash and Satin White optional finishes at extra cost are Gloss Back and Gloss White.


They go well with the beam across the fireplace!

Wow @DougieDanger, I wish my room was even half that size - I would order 606’s in a heartbeat!

Interesting… I noticed the 808 are like 23K pounds… I’d love to hear them compared to the new
ProAc K6 Signatures at about 18K https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC_gmJyTSec Hope the moderators will let this link post. at the beginning there is a shot of the most gorgeous wood on a K6-Sig

i heard the K6 with 500 series. Not my cup of tea personally. But i am interested by the Kudos, more the 606. So i would know too how kudos sound can be compared to proac, in the same price level.

Same price range would be ProAc D48R, even in a premium finish such as Ebony or Rosewood they are about 7250K pounds… Love the Ribbon tweeter only tweeter I’ve heard that’s it’s equal is the Dynaudio Esotar

There’s also the new K3 at about 9500 pounds

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My question Rick is to know if Proac sound signature is different or similar to Kudos . If Kudos 606, 707…are near the sound characteristics of Proac or Naim ( SL, SBL…) or Magico or BW…to have an idea. After that i may decide or not to make a trip to London to listen to them.

Can you tell me which speakers you know are the nearest in sound to the Kudos? Proac, BW, Dynaudio, Magico… thanks

@frenchrooster I don’t know. I do know ProAc have a wonderful transparency and if setup right will throw a huge soundstage and have this uncanny ability to sonically disappear. Dynaudio are another great speaker, and a good match with Naim, Magico I’ve heard them a few times they are very revealing and take the absolute right gear. And truthfully I haven’t heard the Kudos. And there’s a devout group of Harbeth lovers who have the same zeal as Naimies :grinning:

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I am also interested which speaker style “flavor” these speakers are similar to.

Unfortunately we have no access to Kudos where I live and I have always wondered what their sound signature is.

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Dangerous territory - given the abundance of adjectives and descriptors used by different people on this website I’d be very, very wary of coming to any sort of conclusion as to how they might, or might not, sound!