London and UK Jazz Scene - recommendations and discoveries

Time to change the thread title?

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Nope, itā€™s ā€œone of these daysā€ from The Haggis Horns :saxophone: :+1: I love this band

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Why not : actual new directions in jazz. ?

Hi FR hope your well, to be fair youve tried a couple of times before to create a thread that reflects your own particular tastes. They were short lived and I think your kind of hijacking/diverting this one and will likely go the same way.
Enjoy nonetheless

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Hi Krautnaimie. You are the OP here. What do you think, should be leave the title as it is? Do we need to focus only on the London jazz scene ?
You enjoy Cat Toren and Haggis Horns, so I guess you donā€™t bother if sometimes we open the nationality of the players ?

I just wonder who really hijacked this thread :laughing:. The response is on the summarise.
Letā€™s say what other think. But obviously if we stay focus only to the London jazz scene, I fear the thread will not live very long.

I think that as the thread title is quite specific with regard to the London and UK Jazz scene then probably best stick to that. Feel free to open a new thread to discuss other Jazz scenes elsewhere.

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Not a problem. Just gave my opinion. However I feel the OP is more appropriate to decide, without offense.

Sure, but someone has to be moderatorā€¦

Better to start a new thread, as suggested. This thread was very informative about the new contemporary jazz scene in the UK, but that focus has been lost, to the threadā€™s detriment.

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And if the OP wanted to change the title, the moderation would not necessary in that case, regards to my suggestion ?

Thatā€™s up to them. Iā€™ve had no such communication so far.

Letā€™s stay with the thread. No problem. And as you wish, I will not post non UK jazz scene artists.
However I donā€™t think the focus was lost because of me, but more because the UK jazz scene albums were quite all already shared.
Krautnaimie enjoyed however 2 artists outside the title thread that I posted.
But as I wrote, I will stay with the majority wish.

I have made many on topic contributions to the thread. I appreciate English isnt your first language but your way off the mark with this comment.
You do have prior form, if I may say so, for trying to divert threads that have a specific focus.
No need to take offence, just saying

In FR defense we had the issue up thread and the OP said he had no issue with diversions and as a regular poster neither do I so why not avoid being lateral and see where things go.

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If you want this to be a thread just about yourself and FR go ahead, no problem here, see where it goes :+1:

From the OP up thread


And in the spirit of the thread a great tune from our Antipodean cousins Richard Spaven and Jordan Rakei

I donā€™t think this is an endorsement of including world jazz in the thread, as you seem to think. Krautnamieā€™s post followed an intervention from Geoff who pointed out that Snarky Puppy was an American jazz band located in New York, and not relevant to discussion of the UK scene. You then replied:

'I ā€¦ thought the thread was about the London/British Jazz scene and not about the nationalities of the musicians Iā€™d say the reason the scene has flourished in London and Britain is because of the nationalities and heritage of the musicians involved and it is that, that makes it such an interesting and vibrant scene.

I suppose though itā€™s down to @krautnaimie whose thread it is to express wether or not he wants only British born musicians or all musicians associated with the ā€˜sceneā€™ though Iā€™d have to say that would be a shame.ā€™

So you define the scene quite specifically as being the London/British jazz scene, which can of course include ex-patriate players. Krautnamieā€™s reply, which you quote above, was not intended to extend the thread to jazz around the world, but to include any musician, whatever their background, playing on the UK scene.

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Thanks Bob, I feel less alone. Hope this thread will continue. I enjoyed your contributions.

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