Metadata Question

Almost all my music is opera or classical. I’ve got a good metadata scheme for my opera recordings. I use this convention for titles:
Composer: Title
For example:
Puccini: Madama Butterfly
All Puccini operas will sort together alphabetically and are so easy to find. If I have more than one of the same opera, all will sort together, still making my target performance easy to find.

I can use the same scheme with my classical recordings, providing the album is devoted to only one composer. Unfortunately, it’s quite common to have more than one composer in a classical album.

I’m having a problem right now and I don’t know how best to handle it and I’m wondering what others do.

I’m editing the metadata on an album entitled Anne-Sophie Mutter Tchaikovsky - Korngold Violin Concertos
Here’s my problem: There are two composers instead of just one featured on the album. This is common for classical recordings.

If I reproduce the title like I do for operas. I would put
Tchaikovsky - Korngold Violin Concertos
In the Title field.
But if I should want to look for all my Korngold albums, Korngold doesn’t turn up in the search. Is there anyway to get Korngold to turn up in a search? His violin concerto is a particular favorite of mine.

Alternatively, I could reverse the names on the title so that Korngold appears before Tchaikovsky, but then Tchaikovsky won’t come up on a search. Besides, it troubles me because it’s not the title.

Another alternative is to add Anne-Sophie Mutter before the composers names like this:
Anne-Sophie Mutter Tchaikovsky - Korngold Violin Concertos
and then neither Kornold nor Tchaikovsky would turn up on a search. Though if I happen to remember that Anne-Sophie Mutter plays these violin concertos, I could search and find them under Anne-Sophie’s name.

What do you do when you face this situation?

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An example of what I did in a similar case:
Alison Balsom, Haydn - Hummel, Trumpet Cocertos, with works from Hummel, Haydn, Torelli and Neruda.
Album Artist for all tracks : Alison Balsom
Artist for all tracks: Alison Balsom
Album Title for all tracks: Haydn - Hummel, Trumpet Concertos
Composer, depending on the track: Hummel, Haydn, Torelli or Neruda
I find the album looking for Balsom, Hummel, Haydn, Torelli or Neruda

For the composer I use the family name and initials, for example: Neruda, JkJ.

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Looks like I need to label the tracks with the appropriate composer then. I expect I’ve a good deal of editing ahead of me.

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If you use MP3 tag you can pretty much automate this.

Assuming that you already have the composer tag populated correctly you can use MP3 tag to append the composer to the title of the track.

To do this create a new Action from the Actions menu.

Give it a name, e.g. ‘Add Composer to Title’

Enter the following. This will update the Title field adding the composer and a colon in front of the existing title.


Be careful to test on 1 track first rather than running on your whole library in one go, best to check you backups in case of a mishap!

Roon handles Classical pretty well despite the constant moans on the Roon forum!

It does a good job of compositions, grouping them together, you will see for the Symphony number 1 I have 4 versions in my library (the icon on the right of the composition shows this).

Clicking on the symphony then shows the albums this appears on. This can be a compilation album, Roon figures this out, even if you only have an excerpt.

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Another option is to split the tracks for each different work into its own folder, via your pc/Mac. Then you would have separate music files for the Korngold and Tchaikovsky. Not an easy solution to your common problem. You may need to edit the metadata information at the same time. I use Jaikoz for that.

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I follow @Chris-G advice as I tend to listen to composer rather than artist. Of course there is always to use Asset’s album search (or your preferred upnp) to play your choice.

This means I don’t take the “concert” or album approach to my listening rather I focus on the composer and build up my listen experience this way. I suppose this misses out on the curated approach to music as found on the album, but overcomes issues with ripping classical music.

BTW some of my classical, I.e. the Alison Balsom, I have ripped with artist as the main tag, so I’m not very consistent…

Good ideas all! Unless I’m mistaken, all these more flexible editing options involve desktop pc/Mac software. Alas, I’m limited to editing with a tablet so I use the Naim Uniti Core app. The reason is that I have back issues that limit my sitting to only a few minutes. Even a laptop is out of the question. But after spending some time last night editing tracks info, I believe I can now find all my Korngold Violin Concertos. Or Manuel de Fallas’ Nights in the Gardens of Spain. And will continue where I have similar issues. So I’m fairly happy with the result.

The other issue is that Naim Uniti Core app is not always reliable on sorts! I wish I could figure out why it isn’t, but that’s another issue.

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Maybe worth looking for an iOS metadata editor. I don’t think there are many, but I believe MediaMonkey includes one, although I haven’t used it myself.

Not if she is wanting to edit Naim UnitiCore rips… !

No, but as it’s a given that a Core will not allow the rips to be organised and tagged in the way required, I would copy them to the downloads folder to allow them to be edited to suit. That transfer would, of course, need to be done with a computer, but that is quick and easy.

Yes that would definitely work. Then delete the old copy in the Music/MQ folder using the Naim app…



I’ve tried it before on my Unitiserve, so I presume it would work on the Core too. Best to delete the version in the MQ file sooner rather than later to avoid confusing the database.

I don’t quite follow. Are you suggesting to transfer the file you want edited to Downloads, then edit it using third party software?

I tried to find an iOS app for Media Monkey. There is an app for Android, but none for iOS. They do say Apple users can synch to iTunes, but I’ve always hated iTunes and never used it and it doesn’t sound like much help anyway. Besides Apple has announced iTunes is going away.

Yes quite so. Fortunately there is a foolproof way to discover in the Naim app which instance is the music that is the rip and which is the copy in the downloads folder. You just look and see whether the Naim app offers metadata editing. If so, then it’s the rip and if not it’s the copy in downloads.

Yes, that’s what I meant. Then you can edit it with any software you choose. I believe you download MediaMonkey from their website, not the app store. I haven’t used it myself, but I spoke to a friend who has used it on an iPhone to edit metadata, so maybe it would work for you?

But you can’t transfer it. You have to copy it and then use the app to delete the old copy.

I use Metadatics for Mac. Sorry I just realize you were talking IOS.

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To be on the safe side, I would copy it to a computer, make any edits there, delete the original once I was happy with it, then copy the edited version to the Downloads folder.

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You really don’t need to do that Chris. The Core is quite happy if you do stuff directly to files in the downloads folder. But whatever!


Very clear, very nice. Thank you all for a helpful

Finally, is there an example of a typical Downloads entry you all could point me to?
Or if not, would someone be kind enough to type out an example entry here? I still haven’t put anything in my Downloads folder and now I have about 200 entries I’d like to add to it. Now, if only I could find some iOS tablet software that would let me edit those entries.