More Power, Coming Soon

Again, do your homework.

  1. China
  2. US
  3. India

Developing nations 2/3rds

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Thread crap. That’s enough for me.


It’s a great example of why people should keep their socio-economic BS out of conversations that are about new audio products.

When you don’t do that, this is what you get.


What about people who live in England and take frequent holidays in Europe, or do they walk, or sail in their yachts?


I don’t think I had that right either! Fair point about the SN3 price increase. I was trying to say there is a big price gap between the Nova and the 222/250, so a Supernova could sit between those products. Or maybe it will just be a replacement Nova?

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Does make sense to have something to bridge the gap

Probably a Nova Mk2 with a price tag >£5k if so not sure how many will sell.

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Something new in the MuSo line maybe?

Pretty sure I nailed it with my opening comment… Uniti form factor power amp for Atom HE.

I’m going to stick to my guns…


Google is your friend. As has been mentioned by Richard, it appears that CI refers to systems integration so the the CI-Uniti 102 is a red herring.

In addition to the CI-Uniti 102, there’s also a CI-NAP 101 (mono power amplifier) and CI-NAP 108 (8 channel power amplifier) incoming.

Someone jumped the gun. The search result is there, but the page has gone, but no doubt will be launched at ISE:

Which suggests something else wicked this way comes…


You’d imagine that would price that combo somewhere near to where a Nova sits.
Given the HE is less about speakers and a lot about headphone listening it does feel like a successor to the SN3/XS3 and ND5 XS2 fits better from an addressable market and portfolio mix.
Something that offered more than a Nova but less than the cost/complexity of a 200 Series 2/3 box system has broader appeal.

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Almost makes me wish I’d kept my Sunseeker and sold my Bentley instead now. Will I ever learn…
I might just buy another Rolex to cheer myself up whilst I wait for the big reveal :grin:


Lovely new Predators out there to choose from mate, just go for the largest diesel displacement you can fit in. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I hope it’s a Supernait 4 or an Ultranait, with a digital volume pot, 100% analogue and big 150W muscles.


I like that, if that could help Naim & Focal to make the price more affordable for people like us…:heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

My money (no pun intended based on previous thread comments) is on a high end integrated. Things seem to be moving in the direction of lifestyle products with less mess. I stay on a quest for an integrated to match a 500/552 just to reduce the clutter of cabling and cabinets or racking. Hard to beat that sound though! We shall see!

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If one could get an integrated amp at that level, wouldn’t it make a 332/ npx300/ 350 system into an un-saleabl-y bad idea?

That would be my ideal too!

It must be a uniti product of some sort I think, based on the Perspex at the bottom. A new supernait or super supernait would surely use the new classic styling they have just spent a fortune developing?

My guess is a supernova with the new amp tech, so basically a one box 222/250


They appear to want to make a big SNAITment about something…

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A Super Nova if you will - let’s hope they don’t run too hot😉