More Power, Coming Soon

Well that’s the indoor pool sorted this year at least.




Search shows “ The new CI Series Loudspeaker amplifiers from Naim consist of three products aimed at the custom integration (CI ) market for the first time,”

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There has been much conjecture on the forum recently about Naim consolidating their lower range and perhaps doing away with 5si and XS products, leaving just Uniti at that price point.

Although Uniti are good products, I really don’t think that would be a great idea as they are inherently compromised by putting so much functionality into one chassis that gives rise to noise. On the lab tests I have read the Uniti products have higher internal noise etc. than price equivalent integrated amplifiers. I’m sure Naim have done their best to minimise internal noise as much as possible though.

Phil’ at Cheshire Audio has just released a video on why AV amplifiers are usually too compromised for music replay and, as well as budget issues and too much being expected of power supplies, he suggests that so much going on in one chassis just creates noise and raises the noise floor. He stated that it isn’t really a noise you can hear, rather a softening or blurring of the subtle details that make music engaging.

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This. Naim will start on Class D.


That’s the one.

Old thinking if you ask me, look at what Linn does with Klimax DSM or Selekt with built-in power amps …


Here are the words (via Google translate) from the lab report on the Nova with DAB module fitted. I would post a link but I don’t think I’m allowed to.

As you can see, Nova has plenty of power.

Here is the Uniti Star for comparison: power output is quite different, but then one look at the transformers in both would confirm this.

As above it can easily be done extremely well if you start off on the right foot.
I feel naim need to also start off on the right foot and drop the old way’s, as large vibrating, humming transformers isn’t a great start especially in something that only uses a few watts of power, obviously amps are different but the rest don’t need it, but then naim love to sell you a better one when really it shouldn’t even be an option.


nah, lifestyle friendly products such as the Unitis are bread and butter for Naim, if anything they will become more refined and will always be big sellers


I think that is the key - Linn have carried out a lot of research/design work into proprietary cool running SMPS electronics which have been improved over time to where the latest products are now. I don’t pretend to be an electronics expert but I would think that eliminating the issues of ‘too much in one box’ would require a clean sheet/ground up approach as Linn have adopted in their latest range. They clearly have some very clever engineers, especially considering the modular nature of their products.


I’m sure they will, and deservedly so.

Totally agree, linn has certainly found a way, it looks great, nice and compact, and sound’s great as well.
It’s a much more modern way to go about thing’s and why it’s selling well i guess.


Perhaps the wonderful new Naim CD Transport we (OK, only a few) are dreaming of ! :upside_down_face:


I expect it to be something that no one here really cares about. I think an SN5 makes sense. I don’t think it’ll be a SN4 since 4 is an unlucky number in China. Accuphase, Luxman, Gryphon… just to naim a few seem to do quite well with HiEnd integrateds.

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All my amps are now Class D. Linn and SMSL, mind you bit of a difference in cost.


Definitely looks like a uniti product. I don’t think the New Classic Nait series will be introduced until the 1973 Nait 50 limited edition units are fulfilled.

From the statement made last year I would guess the 500 series is probably a year and a half away.

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Box containing enough amps, +/- XOs, as a solution for activating speakers.

My money is a updated Nova…

100w based on NC NAP250
Volume dial relocated from the top to the front like the NC 222.

