More Power, Coming Soon

And thank goodness for that. There is so much tish and tiddle on here nowadays it’s great to have someone with the bravery and clarity of mind to call it for what it is.


Seems that my earlier post about the CI NAP 108 has been deleted, do probably that was correct … I don’t have the intention to spoil other people’s curiousity so will not post this again …

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That’s why a matching power amp for the HE would be a great intro to multi box setups. The HE offers plenty without an amp, but more with one, a gentle upgrade path/gateway drug…


More than a week ago I mentioned having heard of a ‘SuperNova’ from a dealer. I can add that it could be 170W/channel of digital amplification. If my dealer wasn’t drunk, which I don’t think.


Are you referring to class D? Class D is not digital. Just for clarification if this is the case.

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be nice if it was half sized 3 box system, they might be throwing us all off by just talking about a power amplifier

Pre on the top with a top mounted volume control. streamer and power amp

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That’s a good point. I haven’t had a chance to listen to any of the new stuff yet unfortunately.

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Fortunately, for my wallet, I am not a frequent upgrader.

Following a two & a half month (!) home demo ( I have a great dealer, ) I am upgrading my speakers.

I mentioned to him that the only further upgrade that I would be interested in would be if Naim were to introduce a SuperNova.

Didn’t for one moment believe it would happen but I am purchasing a padlock for the aforesaid wallet. Just in case…


Resistance is futile :joy:

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If it is a SuperNova, you may well be right.

Releasing a SuperNova now with same power rating as the new 250 will be suicide for Naim, they have just released those 200 Series, a Super Nova will cannibalize the entire range. Especially if you can attach a 300NPX to it.



This is the lab report from the same publication for the 200 series combo.
Power into 8 ohms is about the same as the existing Nova (from their test sample of each product) but the 250 pulls ahead with 4 ohm loads and with power supply reserves. It also has considerably wider band with. It is a superior product based on just measurements.

Quite where a more powerful ‘SuperNova’ would sit would be interesting to see.

No way can they walk past the marketing gift of such a cool name, maybe serendipity but super nova just sounds brilliant!

It’s nice to have good measurements, but in the end … just listen!

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SuperNova is a farily obvious choice for a model sitting above the Nova, firstly because of the progression from atoms to stars then novae or supernovae and secondly because of the former SuperUniti.

I’m not sure about calling an amp a Supernova - it’s a name for a star exploding at the end of its life. From NASA: A supernova is the biggest explosion that humans have ever seen. Each blast is the extremely bright, super-powerful explosion of a star. One type of supernova is caused by the “last hurrah” of a dying massive star. This happens when a star at least five times the mass of our sun goes out with a fantastic bang!

A quick google image search reveals 3 new components: 2 amps and streamer/pre. New “slim” case design. Seems aimed at the “whole home” audio concept. I wonder if the 8 channel amp would be useful for home theater?


I wonder if ‘more power’ could refer to more processing power instead, I.e. a new Core?

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More power could mean that the new amp needs a 3 phase power connection :wink: :smiley: