More Power, Coming Soon

Could be an even more powerful Atom… :thinking:


Looks powerful and definitely has my attention. Fingers crossed for something really special. My Naim equipment just work, works, works.

A 250 poweramp is 100W nowadays.
It would be daft to create a lower hierarchy amp with higher watt.

Some people seem to purchase by reading specs and watt, is this the people Naim/Focal now want to focus on.?

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Well, it appears that it would have to be a Core incorporating a screen, which seems unlikely to me.

Could be any number of things but my money would be on something in the Uniti range.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my Nova so I wouldn’t be upset to have a SuperNova upgrade to consider with an improved streamer & more power to sound closer to models further up the range for those of us wishing to retain a single box system.

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That’s pretty much describes a nova too, so a precedent has been set.


Curiosity got the better of me - I had a quick google for images. Interested that one of the pictures returned by Google is one of our members well documented living room…

My av2 would love a new companion.


They could separate the entry-level Uniti model into 3 shoe-box sized components: streamer/DAC, pre-amp and power amp. They could be called the Electron, the Proton and the Neutron. In effect Naim will have just split the Atom.

Sorry, couldn’t resist…


Googled that one and you do see 3 new units. Though none of them have the same corner/front panel design detail being teased. So looks like it could be something else ?

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Yes, on the one hand, Super sounds very impressive and fits in with the SuperUniti and SuperNait nomenclature. On the other hand, SuperNova does conjure up images of meltdowns and massive explosions. I’ve heard the phrase ‘sonically explosive’ being used to describe certain sound signatures but the name does carry some risk via association.

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Very true - measurements can provide important data, but synergy with other equipment and the room is key.

Endless speculation. Lots of repetition. Everyone’s hypothesis is as good as the next person where is this taking us?


They’re the CI units - Uniti streamer and mono and 8 channel amplifiers. They’re not the same as being teased.

(But of course, given their 100-series designation they may be custom install versions of, or share features with, more mainstream unreleased products.)

I’d love to see a simple 5 ch processor from Naim. I know it will never happen, but I’d be first in line for one.


Developing nations pollute far less per head of population than we do.

A Molecule, perhaps.


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Possibly, via Stars and Novas, into the depths of space.

You do make a fair point.

It’s getting us through the weekend. :innocent:

All the way through to Monday at least.

More power! We all need more.

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