More Power, Coming Soon

Seems pretty clear that Naim has finished the long-in-development cassette deck, and this is the accompanying external power supply which provides more power (supply rails) than the internal PS! :wink:

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After all this, I’ll laugh if it is mains distribution block.


To come very soon


I’ve a hunch, this would have been ideal for me - I’m guessing a full on top range integrated. However I’ve just ordered the alluxity int.1 I need/want fewer boxes for a variety of reasons. From all the fins, I doubt the naim is class d I’m guessing that the naim will be able to slot in a phono-stage as they have alot of experience in fitting one -Don’t forget it need not be an assault on the very best (especially phono-stage) but a top-quality any ways - something like accuphase where both a dac and phono can be fitted

It’s green! :wink:


We can ask @YetiZone to create one in white logo or another one, like a Supernova 500.

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Ogre green. Nothing better. All that Gandalf white nowadays.

I’d forgotten I did those mock ups in Photoshop! If things quieten down here, then I’ll have a play towards the end of the week.


you did a good job, i think the vent on the top of the 552 bit should have happened!

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Not as good at @YetiZone might do, but just converted just the 4 green bits to black and white

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maybe it’s a newer Hicap?
maybe it’s a new version of the Nap 200DR?

You can do the same on that one


Don’t know which one I prefer….undecided

Power supply for a power supply?
Just kiddin’.

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looking at that and the 500 series with white logos, it does make me wonder why they didnt refresh every model like for like using the same casework etc

Green for me…comparatively unobtrusive, can’t imagine this lot in white:
The lighthouse effect.


Here it is

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And here it is:
Uniti Nova Power Edition | Naim Audio

Class D amplification! Oh the horror!


The beginning of the end? :face_with_peeking_eye:. Or the end of the beginning? :wink:

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