Music to annoy your neighbours

I know someone who’s neighbour wanted to annoy him so he recorded a rooster at dawn and put a midi system in the chicken shed set to play on repeat at full blast 24/7 while he went on holiday.

Mainly as revenge for my friend reporting the neighbour for keeping roosters in a residential area.

Hypothetically, if I’d lost the plot and been reduced to such things, I’d play hillbilly music. But then it would annoy me too so everyone would lose.

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Does he have young children? Install this on their ipad. After ten minutes he will prefer sitting with his head in a bucket of ice-water to get away from it. Believe me, I know :cold_face:
Moranbong Band: Let’s go to Mount Pektu

If you have a north korean flag, a video projector and suitable wall give him the full audiovisual experience:

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Buckcherry, Anthrax, Megadeath, Cannibal Corpse. That ought to get them spinning

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I like first Deep Purple albums, even if today I rarely listen to them.
However, without being nasty, I feel that this cover album should be moved in the “ most ugly cover albums “ thread.
Take no offense.

My advice would be to leave be. We all have our eccentricities, my wife puts up with lots of mine with barely a shrug.

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As a student living in digs, our next door neighbour’s wife left him. His response was to play ‘The Power of Love’ by Jennifer Rush on continued repeat for days on end. I swear that it almost drove me over the edge. You could try that


Playing music to annoy them can only escalate the situation - and you’d be guilty of being a statutory nuisance for which they could take legal action against you, so backfiring badly. If they are the vindictive type they could potentially seek an injunction preventing you playing any music audible to them, deliberate or not…

With bad neighbours there are ONLY two options: try to sort if out calmly, getting them to understand the problem, and so reach a suitable arrangement, or for one or other of you to move.

Be award that they may be blissfully unaware that their activity and behaviour irritates you - if they are the type of people I can picture, they may have taken particular remonstrations by Mrs AC simply as one-off instances and consider them to be perfect examples of nice people who of course are perfect neighbours.

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A rooster or chickens - what a great idea

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Yes, point taken IB, and hence the hypothetical in my initial question.

I had music on so I didn’t have to hear the partying next door to be honest - suspect I’ve played things considerably louder in the past (normally when I think they’re away/out).

Mrs AC politely asked them to put their refuse outside their property not ours, I don’t think that’s unreasonble as you could be fined for putting the wrong types out and they’ve often put things out that aren’t normlly collected, probably in the off-chance they’ll be taken.

When I was a student in the early to mid 70s living in a Hall of Residence, a few of us had our own stereo systems in our rooms.

My next door neighbour (a nice chap) had a stereo system, but the only LPs he had were the entire catalogues (at the time) of Rod Stewart and Maggie Bell & Stone the Crows. He played these LPs incessantly and at a very high volume for the entire year that we were neighbours. I don’t think he played anything else throughout the year that we were neighbours. Now, I have nothing against a little bit of Maggie Bell in moderation (Rod Stewart mmmm!), but take it from me, a diet of these two voices over the period of a year is extremely grating. If only he had played some Janis Joplin from time to time for a bit of variety!

You never know? He may have felt exactly the same about ‘Dark Side of the Moon’, Yes, Camel, Santana, James Gang, Mckendree Spring, Dory Previn and a whole host of other stuff I used to play at high volume.

Take it from me though - Rod Stewart and Maggie Bell will get the job done!

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Not sure whether one’s interpretation of “irritating neighbours” can be said to be based on their behaviour, or, just as likely, one’s own levels of tolerance.

In the past, I’ve made all the right sympathetic noises when friends have pointed out annoyance with “them next door”, whilst thinking privately that it just wouldn’t bother me.

I know that @Alley_Cat’s original thoughts were somewhat tongue in cheek, (they were, weren’t they?), but I’ve always found that a bit of give and take works best for a happy relationship with one’s neighbours, rather than having one’s radar constantly scanning for something to be annoyed about. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That was tolerable until about 3:38 when some real wailing started!

Yes, rather tongue in cheek but I had to put something on as there was a lot of shouting and laughing outside and I had my window open as it was hot.

Waking this morning I thought the thread title might be an excellent name for an album of the worst or most annoying songs of the last 50-60 years. Edit - I’ve removed ‘irritating’ as it sounds more snappy as an album title without it!

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:+1: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m with you. Play ©rap ‘music’. That would annoy the blocks off any sane person.

Years ago, I was living in a flat and the people downstairs kept on playing ‘Candle in the wind’ by Elton John, which I didn’t mind hearing occasionally but time after time it became too much. I bought the cd single and played it at a fairly audible volume on my Marantz CD player which had the facility for repeating a section of a track. I set it to start at the beginning and play through about a minute or so before repeating; I then went out for the day.
Never heard a peep from them after that.
As for your neighbours, how about some experimental jazz, the kind of stuff that sounds a bit like a one man band falling down the stairs…?

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For absolute maximum irritation, The Best and the Rest of Madonna and Otto Von Wernher

They’ll be removing their ear canals with a grapefruit spoon to escape the horror. The sheer horror.

Where I live currently, my neighbours have a small scruffy looking terrier which barks itself to buggery every time they let it out in the garden. Very annoying at this time of year when my patio doors are always open when I’m at home. I tried playing ‘Who let the dogs out.?’ loudly hoping they might take the hint but my neighbours just found it funny… :confused:

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Couldn’t find that but Roon turned up this which gave me a flavour of something dire:


Were you referring to the capitalisation perhaps?