My SL2s have died!

Nice quote. I remember when the guys from Mana delivered his stands, every time they added a stack the sound improved. The three stands under the DBL’s were transformational.

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Yeah. There was a bit of double-bump here last night just before midnight. Enough to make the house creak but not to make anything else rattle. It’s earthquakes that are the reason that I’ve put the glass rings on the top shelf of my Fraim; the lower shelves at least have the legs to provide a bit of retention.

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Dude i love Wellington, best city in New Zealand by a long way! I can’t get over how similar to Dunedin other that the excellent attitude of the locals who even thank the bus drive’s i’ve only seen that in Japan and by school children only. The service industry is above average too.

We do love it here. The hills, the almost constant wind (which makes you notice its absence even more keenly), the good food and ability to walk everywhere (if you want), and (for me) the amazing mountain biking right out my back door.

If you’re ever up this way and want to catch up for a coffee (or a listen), feel free to drop me a message.

Normal behaviour by many adults where I am

Same here! No wonder one of my staff a few years before I retired left to take a job in NZ, then six months later asked for his job back, only a couple of years later to find another job there, that time not returning ither than for visits. However I don’t pretend the countries are the same, everything in NZ is on a much much bigger scale, and IIUC you even have subtropical at one into the country and sub-arctic the other!

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Thanks Jono, i have a good friend with an apartment right by the tunnel where everybody honks their horn
maybe the main road from the south? Sorry forget the area name…. ?? Takanini :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I stayed the other week (had the big windows issue and jetstar to boot!) has a great live bar 2 mins walk from his pad plus a bunch of great food outlets. sooo good!’
A pic from his apartment stairs, i thought it looked very Pink Floyd at the time.
Yes i think it would be awsome to catch up next time for a listen. My buddy is a bigger audiophile with a much longer history than i could ever hope for., has a number of systems in Timaru too. I was down that way last weekend wow class A hard to beat. i’m sure we will all get along stunningly! I have your email so next time i’m up will send a request :pray:

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Subtropical rainforest right by large glaciers above the 45th parallel. kinda like jurassic park with glaciers in the same view if you can imagine

Very beautiful and very cold at times.

I know that building - world famous in Wellington :wink: The suburb is called Hataitai, and as you say has a good selection of little shops and a good pub or two.

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Pretty standard in Ireland. I’ve lived in the US for 30 years and I do it, just because it would feel odd not to.


I rode the bus every day back at Uni in the UK. Always thanked the driver. Why would you not?


Did you witness that in Japan? personally I only herd it from nice school children from a nice end of town.

I don’t ride the bus in Japan.

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I’ve seen it and done it in the UK if you exit past the driver. Quite common for Park and Ride buses. If the bus is crowded and has other exits, then no.

Not on Brighton, where we merrily call out “Thank you” when alighting half way down the bus….


Brilliant idea.

We say “CHEERS DRIVE” here in Bristol

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To lazy to say last letter🤣

Tab 10 Sigs - These are going to be part of the second system, stands to follow.

SBLs will be a permanent part of the main system.

SL2s - I will move on as is and let someone else deal with the repair.


How did the daughters take the news, or did you make it sound like an ‘upgrade’? :wink:

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Both daughters are staying at friends over the weekend, should be a nice surprise on Sunday (I hope) !!!

Left the Nait 50 playing RP, surprisingly the setup sounds pretty good even though the Sigs are not best positioned.

I’ve ordered the Custom Design Rogers LS3/5A 404 stands, these are the closest I could find to the Target stands pictured along with the tabs on Proac website.

These are my third pair of Tabs, I was one of the first to by a pair when launched then later upgraded to the Sigs.

The Sigs should work well in this small room, less dominating than the SBLs.
SBLs will be staying on the main setup, personally I like the look of the SBL over the SL2 in this space, I also have plans to go further with the SBLs, more on this later.