My SL2s have died!

While it’s lovely to see the willingness of members here wishing to help, I would remind members of forum rules. Thank you.



Members might resort to requesting other members contact details (via our esteemed Moderator) and then take further discussion Off Forum.

That Is Allowed…:expressionless:

But not if it’s to circumvent forum rules…

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So this happened with ± controls and not slider? I’ve never used slider since I’m worried I might slip.

Not distorting, or rasping sound etc? If not dead that’s what I would expect from damaged drivers. I don’t know the XO topology so can’t really comment though it seems odd for the symptoms you describe. As someone suggested, it’s worth checking whether the amp is Ok, though again I’m not aware of your symptoms as a damage outcome, and speakers seem more likely to suffer in the scenario you describe.

Do you have accidental damage on your home contents insurance, and new-for-old cover? If so then if the worst comes to the worst that might be something to invoke, which might cover repair or replacement of whatever actually is damaged, though agreeing modern equivalent to SL2s and hence appropriate value may be a challenge.

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I feel your pain, @HiFiman. Not a nice feeling at all. I hope you manage to save them somehow.


The OP was using a 552 controlled by system automation, so +/- controls are his only option.


Is this only happening when the system automation is activated?
I only use the remote for volume control

Oops - answered in the post above … sorry

Thanks Richard, only want to help as you know.
Thougt that only direct links are forbidden. My fault

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That’s simply awful news, but this amazing forum has certainly rallied round for you. I feel your pain as I cannot imagine living without my SL2s. I’ve never heard anything I prefer, or that involve me musically so much. I too saw the ones for sale and was almost tempted to buy them as spares, just in case, but I don’t have a place to store them.
I think, with all the info above (and I’m pretty certain the mid/bass drivers are still available from somewhere like Wilmslow) it should be possible to restore them to full glory.
Keep us posted!


Agreed. One of the most useful roles the Forum can play, in my view, is to point people towards companies who can fix Naim items that Naim unfortunately no longer support (such as the speaker range). Subject to the Forum rules, of course. So no direct, commercial hyperlinks - just say ‘Try the company called XYZ Audio’.

Any experience hopefully successful, should - ideally - be reported back to the Forum, so others might also benefit.


The new ScanSpeak 19mm dome tweeter is not the same, however:

The T-S parameters are, in practice, a close match.
The sound presentation of the new tweeter is very similar to the old one.
It’s actually better as it better preserved fine nuances in the sound.

We use them on our Spendors.


Wilmslow Audio are loudspeaker specialists who offer a repair and renovation service.


This happened to me a couple of times with my 282. Fortunately I was able to deal with the problem before any damage done.

Subsequently I decided it wasn’t worth the risk ditched the system automation and went back to using the remote control to change volume.


Android or iOS?

I can’t really remember because it was quite a while ago but most likely android.

I have used Wilmslow Audio to repair and update some Castle Severn 2s and they did an excellent job. They worked on the crossovers and supplied some new tweeter and drive units.

I was speculating that the fault lay in the preamp, in which case there’s no guarantee that disabling SA would prevent it.

Thanks again to the forum, its great to see so many offering great advice!
Good news the 250DR is in good working order and sounds superb with the old Walnut SBLs originally MK1 but upgraded some time ago to MK2 spec.

Wilmslow is probably where my SL2s are heading for a full make over but in a few months, need to get holidays out of the way first, I need a break :grinning:

PS the cable on the mat is the automation cable, now back to using the 552 remote


I called Wilmslow earlier, they can almost repair anything… fit the new design tweeter, replace crossover components like for like and check the main drivers!