Naim App Update

We have just launched a small update for the Naim App, which should be available from today.

The main new feature is the ability to resize App icons and text on any device. We are pleased to bring this widely requested enhancement to the Naim App.

There are also some minor bug fixes and streaming-service updates, detailed in the release notes below.

If you have already downloaded the app and you have auto updates turned on, your app will automatically update in the next few days.

Android 2.22

New Features

· Text resized according to system settings


· TIDAL: identify albums/tracks with explicit lyrics

Bug fixes

· Restored missing options on Play Queue track options

· Input selection no longer displayed as previous input when playing a TIDAL Playlist

· Volume button no longer sticks ramping the volume to 100%

· Core: The metadata editor always clears after backgrounding/foregrounding app

· Missing options on Play Queue view track options restored

· You can now create a Local Music playlist if the Local Music playlist list is empty

· Presets: list now updates without an app relaunched

· Presets: Mu-so Drag-and-Drop of presets now updating

· Product name change now immediately updates

· Wifi setup issues fixed

· Legacy: Play-queue track options not only reflect currently playing track

· TIDAL input is now always selected when playing a TIDAL playlist

· Youtube no longer opens instead of Youtube Music when selected from Chromecast input

· Long track name text no longer stutters when scrolling on Now Playing

· Play queue: changes now update correctly

· Play queue: current playing track is now correctly highlighted

· Legacy product now shows correct name for all servers, not ‘Local Music’ incorrectly

· Changed input status and Page transition indicators now shown on Home Screen without restarting the app

iOS 5.22

New Features

· Implemented Dynamic Type to reflect text resizing on device


· TIDAL: identify albums/tracks with explicit lyrics

· TIDAL/Qobuz: Track time displayed in Album & Playlist view

Bug Fixes

· Core: Selecting a shared network folder now persists

· Core: Selected share is no longer unselected

· No longer missing options on Play Queue tracks

· Unit can no longer be operational with incomplete setup

· System automation volume controls no longer intermittently disappear

· Product name no longer shown as internal id on Rooms screen for a brief moment

· Missing options have been restored to the Play Queue options menu

· Setup Wizard never bypassed after factory reset

· Blank screen rather than ‘No results’ no longer shown when using an unsupported or empty USB

· Qobuz Playlist Preset name now always updates after a Favourite update

· Update is now always initiated when selecting the Update Arrow from the Rooms screen

· Legacy: when device is muted in the App, volume slider now goes to zero

· Voiceover: some label updates

· Voiceover: Phantom Now Playing volume control unseen but selectable on Rooms screen

· Settings page may overlay Rooms screen when foregrounding app

· iPad first use: Rooms screen was sometimes displaying before Welcome screen

· Setup wizard sometimes unexpectedly displayed after firmware update

· Presets on the Home Screen no longer truncated

· Tidal login prompt no longer appearing every time user selects Tidal input

· Volume slider no longer disappears when expanding an empty playqueue

· iPhone Only - Voiceover: correct naming of multiroom clien


Some examples of text resizing for iOS and Android;