Naim CD Player Trade-in Offer, the details thread

Speaking of offers… Perhaps Naim could have chosen a better ad image for the summer offer, one where the logo matches in color scale and strength…


At least they didn’t mix green and white! Phew :smile:

Their marketing is flat, boring and uninspiring. AI would do it better.

How the group CEO which is former CMO can accept this junk is impossible to understand.


What will happen to all the CD players traded in? Will dealers have to surrender them to Naim or will they be free to sell them?

I assume Naim have chosen players that they can no longer repair, which IMO, is a very welcome customer relations move. This is why the CD5si is not on the list - it is current and therefore continues to be supported.

Having worked in retail (motor trade) I assume the fixed-rate discount against each new model is basically extra margin - dealers may well have paperwork to complete/a particular code to register the sale so that they receive the discounted trade purchase price from Naim. Naim might be funding this completely or they might expect dealers to contribute a proportion of the discount. I also assume that the trade-ins will be on dealers ‘books’ at a relatively low/nil stand-in value as the discount is from Naim rather than a genuine trade value - it’s basically extra margin in the new product as a goodwill gesture/to drive sales/retain customers.

I’m not sure you can say that Naim Audio has abandoned the CD format. After all, you can rip CDs on the Core and stream from there. You could then enjoy better sound than achieved from a similarly priced CD player.

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From what I understand, the dealer provides Naim with the serial number of the player and then an RMA is created so it can be returned to Naim, who have the facility to properly dispose of the player.

The problem with Naim’s previous trade-in programs was that the dealer then sold on the traded in players that Naim could no longer support with certain parts, with predictable consequences down the line. I guess they are trying to avoid that this time around.


I’d like to address this point about Naim and CD players. I raised a thread quite a while ago saying that I thought it was a great shame that a player like my CDS3 could not be sustained which provoked considerable healthy debate. I’ve since spoken to my Naim dealer and Naim reps who have been at great pains to explain that the mech supplies are now exhausted and there are no viable alternative supply lines. To mitigate Naim have adopted a scheme which grants clients such as myself a route to an alternative digital solution, and provides considerable financial compensation. Do I wish that Naim still manufactured a high end CDP, ideally yes I do, but I have to recognise the very limited market that would exist for such a product and thereby very limited if any return on investment, and I therefore have taken up the offer on the table. I of course didn’t have to, perhaps the CDS3 would have been bloody minded and played on for the next 50 years outliving me in the process, or when she did stop spinning I could have sought another solution, but I’ve decided to future proof now. I think this a very fair and reasonable outcome.




If there are no mechanisms available the players are dead end as they cannot be serviced. Perhaps the traded in units will be scavenged by naim to reclaim parts so those who ultimately decide to keep CD players can get them serviced.

The upside is that anyone moving to a naim streamer (say NDX2) can then attach a good quality modern CD transport and get the naim “house sound” via the streamer’s DSP/DAC. Convenient and future proof. Plenty threads on the forum on this (with Audiolab CDTs being recommended).


Thanks for confirming this Richard. Though is seems a shame to be ‘writing off’ functioning players, I understand why Naim don’t want the machines being sold through the dealer network if they have potential reliability/support issues. Will Naim take parts out of the players for support? Again, that could be problematic due to the parts being secondhand and therefore more likely to fail than if they were able to have used a new part.

Alex, I don’t know the details of what happens once the players arrive at Naim. I only have to hand what they say in their communique to dealers. I guess I’ll find out when I’m down at the factory in a couple of weeks time.


It doesn’t seem many years ago that they said vinyl was dead and when you went in a dealers there were only a few turntables on display, now it seems to have totally turned around maybe cd will go the same, who knows, strange old world we live in.
Guessing Linn and Naim don’t see it happening anytime soon.

I got quite excited when I read of the CD exchange arrangement only to realise that it didn’t cover my CDS2, I’m not eBay familiar/confident …so back to the drawing board!


Oops, yes, slip of the brain. I’ll edit now.

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This has got me thinking I own a cd5 don’t know if I should ditch my CDs and just stream ,coz I do own a bluesound node or just keep the cd player until it gives up

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Have to agree , have a couple of Yam wxad10s in the house and they were the predecessor to this in many ways but the Wiim SQ is far more advanced.

Could I be so bold Richard when you are at Naim HQ to ask as to why the CDS2 is not included on the list thanks.

I’m having a few discussions around that particular model with our friend Harry as we speak , so would be good to know.

Much appreciated



I believe thats the Thousand Dollar question many have faced.

I grew up with tape, vinyl and FM radio.
I added CD in the early 90’s.
I stream radio and podcast, music is only for exploring - I buy the record/CD if I want it.
There’s nothing like the physically medie.


Exactly :+1:

Thank you Richard.