Careful, @snarfy - please confirm that isn’t the planned final resting place of the amp, or you’ll give several members of the forum heart palpitations, cold sweats, night terrors and/or erectile dysfunction.
It’s a contest, make no mistake. No clear winner. I think it depends on the room.
This bedroom is a bit too small for the 250 system. You have to sit all the way against the back wall to get the full effect. It sounds amazing, but it’s not practical to sit in that position much of the time. The Nait 2 wins in this case. In a bigger room however the 250 would be better suited because the Nait can’t punch hard enough to fill a large space. Don’t forget the Nait 2 has a certain magical quality that only it possesses. Honestly could live with either system and get similar levels of musical enjoyment.
Hi, yes it is the one that Art reviewed that has the AV Options Ultimate upgrades. It is CB though.
You’re probably right that it’s not quite a fair comparison that can be applied to all Nait 2s.
I had a standard olive Nait 2 alongside this CB Nait 2 for a while before I had SL2s. I was using Tab 10 Sigs at the time, IIRC. The CB Nait had less sizzle on the front end, but more sophistication and refinement on the back end. It didn’t grab me the quite as much initially but I found myself able to listen for longer. It sounded “higher end”, if that makes sense.
My 32.5/hc/250 also has all the AV Options upgrades. Yes I would take that system over a standard Nait 2. Other people’s preferences may differ though. I’m sure there would be plenty of room for that.
Weird thing happened today. After 3-4 years use (and including a Naim service) the green LED came on for the first time since I’ve owned it. This happened to anyone else? I didn’t move the amp or change anything in the system.
The green logo on my CB Nait 2 went through a brief period of a few days when it flickered a lot. It seemed to stop on its own and hasn’t happened since.
I don’t believe this to be routine Richard. The unit that I purchased for @Bandit had a flickering display and Darran informed me that the likely cause was a dry solder joint - this turned out to be the case. If the LED has failed completely then it will need replacing.