Naim Chrome Bumper



Beat me to it


I used to have a lovely example that @Bandit now enjoys. I don’t like having things that aren’t being used…… ( says he with 3 different make of shoebox amps on rotation at the moment with another on the way and not forgetting the Quad 34/306…. Just trying to make up my mind…) :grin:


It’s being used :grin:


A thing of beauty and beguiling sound.


From 2013 Connection magazine


Its just for comparison, but in fact there are similar. The green one has been serviced by Naim, the Red one never serviced.


I’ve just set my son up with a Service Nait 1, Bluesound Node and Monitor Audio 50s in his studio flat. Sounds superb. Now looking to refurbish a Manticore Mantra for him (and gifting some vinyl). He might get very lucky as I might be replacing the Origin Live / Audio Note IQ3 currently on my Xerxes X with the Vertere SG-1 PTA / Sabre MM combo in the next week or two. So they could replace the OEM Moth currently on his intended deck. That said - sitting listening to the Bueno Vista Social Club Live album right now and wondering if I really need to change. Hopefully the audition I have arranged will answer that.


Meant ‘serviced’ not Service

Seeing pictures like that reminds me of my aprenticeship days at british aerospace in the space electronics design department. I really wonder how sought after are good analogue electronics and power subsystem design engineers nowadays.


Back to the topic of building balanced CB systems, I’m realising that when you have a revealing speaker like Isobariks, then I have to compromise on musical engagement in order to keep the distortion manageable. For example, whilst I enjoy the 12/BD160 more than the 32.5/CB160 and enjoy the VM95E more than the VM95EN, the Briks will make a meal of the more fun sounding options and it’s just too much except on the very best sounding LPs. Whereas, the previous Keilidhs were much more accommodating and 12/BD160 + VM95E was rarely an issue. Probably nothing new to most of you. Anyway, still plays music very well so all is good and very happy to be back to the VM95 - fits right in with the Valhalla/Ittok.

I know SNAPS/HICAP and NACA4 (instead of K20) are other ways to improve clarity but never been keen. Mind you, I’ve started down that path now :slight_smile:


Mhm, that doesn’t sound like an appealing trade-off in the end. You have some very nice gear many would love to own (I know I would). Would you be open to go over them and see where the sweet spots could be reached? So you don’t have these compromises anymore.

Because if I see correctly and re-order things a bit you have:

Two (or three?) LP12s:
#1 is Lingo(1?)/Ekos(1?)/VM95NE and #2 is Valhalla/Ittok(II?)/VM95E, your profile doesn’t say anything about #3 and other specs like plinth, base, bearing, subchassis, cable.

Four amps (serviced?):
CB combo #1 is NAC42.5 / NAP110
CB combo #2 is NAC32.5 / NAP160
BD combo is NAC12 / NAP160
and a Nait (1?)

Five speaker pairs:
Linn Keilidhs
Linn “icon collection” Kans, Briks, Saras
Rega Elas (mk2?) which are ace with a Nait 1 & 2 btw

Then my first reaction would be Wow, Collectors Paradise! and nice building blocks for the most talked about vintage systems here. Followed by lots of questions, like possibly still a rough diamond collection then? Some focus and/or hard choices to streamline things may bring significant progress? How many complete systems do you want to have fully operational in your home, one or two, or more? Also other sources besides vinyl?

By the way if it’s any help, I have no experience with NACA4 but I found NACA5 to be a a real upgrade over Linn K20 (sound wise, not in price and flexibility). From other posts here and elsewhere the WH N2 cables should be somewhere in between.

All the best


I’m alway keen to read about Murmur’s search for ‘the sweetest of sweet spots’ in his various vintage and classic systems. The hardened Linn / Naim veterans amongst us can certainly relate to the feeling of getting ‘almost’ the result we’re after!


Thanks for asking daddycool. Firstly, it’s worth noting that I’m a perfectionist so I’m never gonna be 100% happy. I do think I am getting close to a place where I am “happy enough”. I was at that place before with the Valhalla/Ittok/VM95C or 95E deck plus 12/BD160/Keilidhs but was then offered the Briks which are now just part of the house cos I cannot bear the thought of moving them again.

I also have regular moments where I think I’m there only to realise a few days later that it’s not quite the case. For example, I’m already thinking that 12/BD160 + VM95EN is a better compromise for me than what I wrote earlier today. I’m like the weather!

Like you say, I’m fortunate to have all these options and, although it makes for a challenge at times, it’s been very useful. There are only two real systems. The third system (with ELAs) is in the living room and not even connected up. I thought I could make use of three vintage systems but (with a Linn streamer also in the Kitchen) it’s not viable. You’re right about the amps and they’re all serviced, as are the Valhalla and Lingo 1. It’s a late Lingo 2 so doesn’t need anything yet.

Each LP12 is fitted with black liner bearing and steel subchassis.

  1. Lingo 2 / Ekos 2 / GR rebuilt Troika
  2. Lingo 1 / Ekos 2 / Adikt - used with 42.5/110/Kans in listening room
  3. Valhalla / Ittok LVIII / K9 body / VM95 - used with Briks in office

I don’t really like the Cirkus and Karousel. I do like the Ekos SE but decided to let mine go in the end as I think it really needs a Keel to sound right and I sold the Keel when I went back to pre-Cirkus bearings. Very pleased to be rid of the Radikal - very tuneful and very boring all in one - just my ears folks. I hear the same Linn ‘path’ from Lingo 1 to Lingo 2 and Radikal is a much bigger step down that road. Many enjoy that road very much of course and I know these newer upgrades bring a lot of enjoyment to many.

It’s taken 2-3 years to settle on LP12 spec’s and I’ve really had enough of changing bits now. There is a small possibility the Troika will get swapped for another (spare) Adikt but only if I need to partner it with the Nait. Deck 3 is the most enjoyable to have playing in the office all day - it knits the music together so well and sounds so right (with VM95). The Lingo decks are better in some ways though.

I did try NACA5 but wasn’t for me. K20 does sound a bit rough but it just makes sense of the music for me. I’ve tried (again) recently to let it go for A4 but miss it too much.

I sold the Keilidhs. Yeah, ELAs and Nait work well which is why I’m hanging onto them, plus it’s hardly worth selling them for what they are worth.


Thank you @Murmur for the extensive reply! Very interesting perspectives.

Also an impressive search for ‘the sweetest of sweet spots’ (as @Mr.Tibbs described it well).

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You can only please yourself at the end of the day. Best to follow your instincts / own ears.


Yes, you wrote several things I can actually relate to from experience. It’s after years now that I’m beginning to get a somewhat better understanding of component- and system synergies and preferences. Thus, I read your tales with great interest and will check out the YouTube, thanks!

(btw to my ears at the LP12 level the Nait 1 & 2 is not automatically a good match with all of the usual MM cartridges. And that depended both on the cartridge & phono stage synergy and on the LP12 arm/psu spec involved. This opposed to several different Rega decks with Exact cartridges that were always just fine at their respective level. So you may want to experiment there when necessary).

I don’t work on the decks myself but recall your comments about the Nait. I wonder if it also depends on the rest of the system. If I do start using the Nait again then I will probably take your advise and try to find a good matching phono stage. My dealer occasionally uses an old Creek MM/MC which always sounds good. Not sure I can face trying any more carts.

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Lucky Son indeed. I run a Nait 2 with blue sound node 2 and it is very good indeed.


He is indeed. I did go for the new arm and cartridge so the Manticore now sports my old set up. I purchased a new belt for it and it cleaned up a treat. I installed it for him yesterday and we were both knocked out by how good it sounds. He is now working his way through his newly gifted starter vinyl collection. He’s enjoying the experience.