Naim Chrome Bumper

So 9 months down the line - how are Naits in your systems? Is there a favourite now?

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The office system is really singing now. The serviced 322/4 cards seems to have been the final piece. Iā€™d forgotten how much better sounding they are than the serviced 322/1 cards. A bit more musical but a lot less distortion, especially with revealing speakers like the Briks and a NAC12 that will make a meal out of anything like that.

Doesnā€™t really matter whether I use VM95C, E or EN now - they are all good. Thereā€™s still IGD with the C and E but itā€™s not so obvious or too annoying. EN is probably the safe bet for most folks. ML still robs life out of the music and I canā€™t understand why people donā€™t hear this - maybe their other components do the same so they donā€™t notice.

The 322s seem to have got a lot better over the years. Anyone else experience this, or have I just got some very average 322/1 cards?


I think the cards improved quite markedly over the years. AFAIK it was recommended many years ago that NA322/1 cards should be replaced.

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Interesting, thanks.

I like all the 323 cards from my NAC12 onwards so just seems to be the 322s

Any ideas why NAC12 and NAC32.5 boxes sound so different? Both of mine are serviced using Naim components in recent years. If I move 32.5 cards into the NAC12, the 12 becomes clearer but the difference in sound between the two boxes is still substantial - a far greater difference than between any 32/42/32.5/42.5/62 Iā€™ve owned. Any ideas why when nearly all the components are on the cards?

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Murmur - not changing anything - which to your ears sounds the best as is

12 or 32.5 ?

Or just different ?

The 32.5 sounds fuller/more refined, the 12 (with 32.5 cards) is leaner with more distortion. This system sounds bass-light and Briks need a clean signal so the 32.5 helps, but it also adds a thin layer of warmth that it doesnā€™t need. So neither is perfect.

Musically, the 12 box sounds slightly wobbly on occasion, whereas the 32.5 is always rock solid. However, the 12 is also more alive sounding and makes more sense of the music. NAC12 with original cards is the most musical but too much distortion in this setup.

So perfection is still not here and my preference shifts depending on the LP. I will probably end up using the 42.5 cos I know it will help remove a bit of 32.5 warmth. Itā€™s just not quite as much fun as the 32.5 but very little in it really. Iā€™m getting a 62 serviced too so thereā€™s another option in a couple of months. All these pre-amps are such good value though.


For me the chrome bumper series will always be the classic Naim look. I started with a 42.5/110. I think the chrome bumper era amps had a no compromise sort of presentation that went all-out for the things that have always made Naim special - PRAT if you like. This could lead sometimes to a rather relentless sort of sound but one that was always very exciting and involving. To my ears the Olive era amps compromised this a little to add a dash more refinement - which was no bad thing, especially with early CD players. The 72 was a lovely pre-amp and the first that sounded really good with CD to my ears. I sometimes canā€™t help but feel that the current black series has lost a little of the core qualities that made the CB so musically special, but in pure hi-fi terms Iā€™m sure itā€™s better.


Can anyone help fill in the following - trying to understand what versions were shipped with each pre:

NAC12(v3) = 321, 322, 323, 324, 325
NAC22 = 222, 223
NAC35 (bolt down) = 321, 322, 323, 324, 325
NAC35 =
NAC42 =
NAC35.5 =
NAC42.5 =
NAC62 = 322/4, 323/5
NAC72 = 321/5, 322/4, 323/5, 729, 325/7

Also, whatā€™s the deal with the 729 time aligned boards? Is that something that only the NAC72 can accommodate?


The NAC12 came in three versions. The first had no daughter boards - there canā€™t be many around as only a handful were made and my own unit started out like that and then was updated to the second version with daughter boards on life edge connectors. This originally used NA12X boards on knife edge connectors. When it moved to pins and the NAC32 arrived in '77 the boards became NA32X for both NAC32 and NAC12.

The NAC22 used NA22x phono boards, and could take NA32X phonos.

NA729 time aligned boards came with the NAC72 and replaced the old NA324s that were in the NAC32.5. NAC32.5s could be upgraded with NA329s, essentially the same as NA729s


Very helpful - thanks Richard - Iā€™ve amended above.

I saw something on the Internet referencing the NAC22 and 223 cards but assumed it was a typo :slight_smile:

Do you recall the 32.5 sonic differences between 329 and 324 boards?

And do you know if the NAC 72 was shipped with 729 boards from day 1?

Lastly, does the 62 include the time aligned (729) circuitry? I guess not since it was released a year earlier

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I have both a standard NAC32.5 and one with NA329/729 boards fitted. The latter sounds much better, but that maybe down to the standard one being a bit ā€œmehā€ despite a service. It was an old staff build so perhaps one put together by the cleaner (sorry Bob!)ā€¦?

The NA22x phono boards in the NAC22 were simplified versions. Better to fit the NA32x boards if possible if you wanted to use for phono duties.

The time-align boards came with the NAC72 from the beginning. They werenā€™t fitted to the NAC62 as this one had all itā€™s circuitry on the main board bar the phono daughter boards.


Thanks Richard. Googling around, it appears standard 729s will work in a 32.5 but the balance control wont.

I had 729 boards in a 32-5 and donā€™t remember the balance control not working. :thinking:

From way back (third post down) - Naim Audio Forum Archive

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Maybe you had the 329s then, that Richard said were all labelled 729s?

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Just took delivery of these fine Mk2 Kans yesterday. Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever heard them. I get it now.


Nice veneer, is that walnut?

You will probably find you can get more out of them in time, with careful positioning, although you will likely need Kan II stands for that. About 150cm between tweeters is a good starting point, so fairly close together.


Thanks. Yes I believe theyā€™re walnut. I didnā€™t know that about the 150 cm recommendation. Iā€™ll try it.

The next obvious step is an LP12 in fluted afromosia with an ARO!