Naim Chrome Bumper

Would love to hear a Naim’d LP12 from the early 90s again. I heard one near Sydney but too long ago to remember much about it.

I think you need to be wary of failing ARO wiring these days - hopefully not very common though.

I have ARO on one of my LP12’s

It’s a brilliant arm , in fact possibly my favourite above the Ekos SE ( I can hear the screams from members here :grinning:)

No problems with wiring


Beautiful system.

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@snarfy Nice… ! Intrigued by your Kan stands… Not the same as my Mk2 Linn stands - but almost. The legs were straight on mine. Whose are they…?

Hi Ian, I’m not sure who made them. I bought them on ebay last year. They were advertised simply as LS3/5a stands and came at a bargain price. I bought them because it seems Kan stands are somewhat hard to find here in the U.S. and I expected at some point I would get a pair of Kans or another pair of Tab 10s.

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@snarfy - Well, they look good - and their design apart from the legs, looks very much Mark 2 Linn. I think they will do very nicely…!!! Good Buy.

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I think Kans will always sound best on Kan 2 stands up against a solid wall, as a friend said to me, “ideally with 2-feet of solid Glasgow tenement wall behind them” :slight_smile:

Still, it’s early days and if you have enough bass then the current stands should do a pretty good job. Maybe swivel them 180 so that they can go back closer to the wall.

What about 5m of NACA4 / A5 or K20?


I measured my Kan 1s and the tweeters are actually about 140cm apart but it varies between rooms.


@Murmur - Now those are what I know as Mk2 stands… :grinning:


Not the same, but… Kudos recommend having their speakers about 2 metres apart - and between 2 to 3 metres from the listening position. Just tweaked mine slightly…

That’s interesting - never known a manufacturer make recommendations like that before

Looking good. Very classic.

Yeah I was playing with mine a bit back. At just under 2m tweeter to tweeter (centres) I found a hole in the middle so closed the gap about 10cms which fixed that. I then noticed Kudos recommend 2m from the inside edges of the speaker. That would create for me a massive hole in the centre of the around stage. I sit about 3m away. Weird ehh?!

Kans here 2m apart, slightly toed in, listening pos 4m away centre. No hole in the middle.


Realising now that I’ve somewhat under appreciated the 110, especially with a 42.5. I can see the attraction now and also understand why, like the Nait 1 and 2, it can be used with a modern digital front end. Both the 42.5 and 110 are more neutral sounding than many other CB pre/powers I’ve owned and, whilst not quite as engaging and meaningful as a 12/BD160 or 32.5/160, they are pretty close, and don’t include a slightly peaky/distorted upper mid or overly warm presentation (at least when partnered with pre-Cirkus LP12). That clarity and neutral sound also helps a lot a very low volume late at night. And treble is amazingly sweet/finessed for that era. Only my Nait/CB Nait 2 are as neutral from that period, although I’m guessing 32.5/HICAP/135s would be in the same ball park since my 32.5/Hi/250 was not all that far off. So glad I didn’t sell the 110 - which was a possibility at one time.


The NAP110 is a little honey of an amp.


Can’t wait for the next time in france to be in front of my 42/110.
Just a shame i can’t easily take the SL2 speakers on holiday with me


The CB110 was the first NAP I owned. It was traded in for a 250, in 1985…

But… I now also own a 140… :smiley:


What’s that partnered with Ian? Sorry if you said before but I don’t recall.

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Its box… lols. Its part of my spares stock - along with a late 72. Had it serviced not long ago and let is run with my 82 for about 6 months, instead of my 250. Did not disgrace itself, at all.

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