Naim Chrome Bumper

Class A serviced 62 arrived today, looking very tidy. Needs to fully warm up but, using the same phono cards as 42.5, it’s very close, a fraction clearer/tighter sounding. Musically it’s too soon to tell. My 42.5 has a red LED so perhaps started life as a 42. Nice to see that these are still great value - just over £400 incl. original box and service.

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NAC42.5s certainly started out with red LEDs. In fact, I’m not sure I ever came across a green LED NAC42.5 (at least not one where the LED hadn’t been changed at some point to green), although it’s possible that some of the last ones did so. The NAC62 which replaced the NAC42.5 came with a green LED

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Any idea if Naim developed and signed off the 42/110 with or without a Snaps? Similarly, do you think the 62 was developled/signed off using just the 140, or 140/Hicap?

I know everyone prefers Snaps/Hicap but just curious how the products would have been developed.

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Nice looking Nait (green LED) popped up on a UK auction site for reasonable money. I’m guessing it needs a service.

It was before my time at Naim, but the NAC42 and NAP110 were launched as a pair in 1979. Back then the SNAPS was still in bolt-down shoebox form and was an aesthetic match for the NAC12 and NAC32 - it was eventually re-engineered into the extruded sleeve casework in 1980, along with the NAC32. At the same time the NAC42 and NAP110 were also put in a similar, longer (deeper) sleeve.


I do like this 62

Appropriately playing ‘The Flat Earth’ by Mr Dolby right now :slight_smile:

Musically very good and the sound is the clearest I’ve heard from any CB pre-amp - with 110 it’s also clearer than Nait/Nait 2. My only criticism is a slight reduction in midrange punch.

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I seem to recall that my SNAPS, which I bought in 1984, came is a slightly ‘shorter’ CB case, than the 42 and 110 did…?

Yes, the Later SNAPS came in a very short case sleeve.

An excellent choice of album. Dissidents is one of my test tracks for bass.


Naim should offer a ‘restomod’ service where they will take your current kit and convert it to chrome bumper,
In my imaginary world I could then have a chrome bumper 500 series system playing whilst my Singer Porsche was parked outside :grinning:


Naim did offer a CB to Olive conversion. I had my 250 & HiCap converted… :smiley:

Naim also offered a cosmetic conversion to make some Olive or Chrome Bumper kit look like the current Classic series (from the front at least). It was costly though as it necessitated stripping out the electronics and machining the tray.

My CB 250 (1985) was converted (to Olive) and serviced, at Salisbury, in 2003. Cost was £443.

Now why would anybody want to do that???

Now conversion from black to olive, I can understand totally………. :laughing: :laughing:

And even CB or olive to concrete or tin would be interesting.

OK, OK, I’ll get me coat!

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I can’t understand why anyone would want to change the looks. This to me is a very strange thing to do. Like cosmetic surgery. Also i would be tempted to add that it should be unauthorised to do such mods even if carried out by naim or authorised naim dealer simply because it is not what it is after the fact…

Anyone ever used a couple of standard unmodified 110s as kind of psuedo mono blocks?

And would i need a Hicap, or could a lead be made up so that each 110 partly powers the preamp?

Careful… You are talking about mod’s to the power side of Naim amps… :thinking:

Oh, I thought cos the 110s would stay as standard, then it would be ok. My next question was gonna be ‘do Naim make bespoke cables like that?’ but I guess not if it’s not allowed.

Not sure its a mod. I had considered the same thing with a pair of 140s.
Just using one channel out of the stereo pair. Just means the transformer is totally dedicated to the one driven channel.

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The answer is No, to the cables.

But - if you use a HiCap, there is a facility built in, to run more than one power amp… :slightly_smiling_face:
Just don’t tell anyone… OK…?

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