Naim Chrome Bumper

You can run them with just one channel connected (no modification necessary - just use the standard SNAIC4 - preferably a black one), or, with suitable speakers you can run a pair in bi-amp mode. But… I’m not sure I’d bother. The NAP110 is a honey of an amp just as it is - don’t “over-egg the pudding”.


Thanks everyone

I’ve bought another one (serviced) and thought I’d just compare it to mine. But if they are very close then I thought I’d also try this bi-amping one channel each. Was gonna try a CB Hicap again at some point anyway, so will do that then.

Thanks for the tip Ian !

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But… Do not tell anyone… :astonished:

Our secret! :wink:

Team CB, I would be grateful for any insight you can provide about what is wrong with my Kans.

I was playing them yesterday with the Qutest/62/140 at moderate volume. Both Naim boxes were recently serviced. The sound on one of the speakers started fading and then came back on song. I would say if affected the bass as much as, if not more than the treble. When it happened I would describe the sound as losing vitality and it was lower in volume. It happened a couple times.

I swapped my Nait 2 in for the 62/140 and more or less recreated the problem. I put the 62/140 in my other system with a Hugo 2 and ATCs. It played just fine.

Could the crossovers be going bad?

Sorry, but I’ve not come across this before with any speaker. Loose connection / bad solder joint perhaps?

Yes, could well be a connection or solder joint affected by vibration. There’s also the possibility It could be within a drive unit thats going or has gone bad. Have you tried running just that one speaker to get a better idea of what’s going on?

Thanks Richard and murmur. No, I hadn’t tried that. How would you suggest doing it? Leaving both speakers hooked up and moving the balance fully to the right or left?

Yes, that’ll do just fine. Switch to mono though when you do this.

I have been running crome bumper for around 40 yrs. I have been recapped and I have never heard a better system or one that has lasted so long. I will take to the grave with me


I have my Nait 2 CB playing into some 1973 Sonab speakers and they sound very good with lovely bass. Temporary setup before it all goes to daughters flat.


MeToo. Made changes to source and speakers but the CB kit just keeps on giving.

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Team CB, 135s are go!


Wow, congratulations!!! That is my dream setup.


Sensational snarfy

I have the 32.5/hicap/250 in pristine condition like yours plus NAIT 2 and NAT01/NAPST

Can’t beat a bit of CB

Thanks for posting looks wonderful


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Thanks! I bet the NAT 01 is the star of the show. It’d be great if you could share a photo.



It’s certainly a star snarfy, gets lots of use

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