Naim firmware update for legacy streamers

Updated my 272 (from Mac) and Muso (1st gen) without issue - thanks for the clear instructions! Sounding good…

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Only 2 hours in which is due in part to two slow laptops. One has windows 10 the other is 7 which I’m more familiar with. The USB A - Mini USB B cable is a Ugreen data cable. I’m unable to see the downloaded cable driver in Networks after repeated attempts trying different options on both laptops. I’ve now plugged the cable into the NDS and the windows 7 laptop and it appear that there’s no need for a driver with this cable. Once plugged in it says device driver not successfully installed. But in the in Device Manager it shows CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller. Device status - drivers are not installed Code28. Says update driver clicking on search online for software isn’t producing anything after 5 minutes. I’m tempted to get another cable unless someone says the cable will transfer the upload to the NDS. A bit fed up with this to say the least thought it would take 20 min max.


The must read the Naim instructions and do exactly what it says in the order it says it. There is another thread which gives some hints about how to install the drivers. You can’t just download the zip. You have to unpack it and run the x64 file…



All’s well. I did get another USB cable. The other one did make the laptop go bing/bong and said something about a driver. The other cable seemed to do the trick and the driver software appeared as per the screen shots in the guide. Thank you very much for coming to my aid and the notes from the other thread helped a great deal. The power of this great forum is a big thing when presented with queries and problems. I’m now looking forward to a glass of something calming later on and to see if I can hear an improvement in the sound quality. Tidal is up and running and it’s good to see v4.8 in ‘about’ in Tidal. Thank you.


Same here.
Installed 4.8 without a problem but alas…
Long DSD tracks (only when they are .dsf, .dff files play fine as before) is NOT solved… :frowning_face:

DSF file

DFF file

I know @Stevesky is looking into specific DSD files people are still having issues with, so flagging this for his attention.

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Is it installing the update in a mirrored image kind of way?:sweat_smile:

This looks more like it


is that for real? Or photoshop?
Pretty serious (although funny because it isn’t mine)…

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It is for real

Should I worry?

no, you shouldn’t worry - several people have noted that happening during install. It’s like it’s checking to see if you’re paying attention!


Haha. All done and playing as before the update. Thank you Clare.


Okay,thx Clare.
Added some pics for extra info if needed.

I sent two of my four problematic tracks to @Stevesky, who was able to replicate the behaviour (Whew, always nice to confirm with weird problems like this that I am not just crazy and/or impossibly incompetent).

The whole lot has now been shipped off to the third party who handled this bit of the software development for further analysis.

I notice from your two pics that the same general observation that I have made applies. The difference between what the Naim app displays/plays and the actual time is about 25:30 (in my tracks it’s 25:22)

Didn’t you change display recently? I’ve seen this happen before. Maybe compatibility issues with new displays in some way :slightly_smiling_face:

Yep new display

Not playing tracks from back to front then?

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Clever things, these new displays - two-way view!

As noted, nothing to worry about.

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I am going to watch the display for backwardness when I get round to doing my second SuperUniti because it has a new display, as has my first SuperUniti which I have updated, but I was watching that lines transferred count go up slowly on my PC and didn’t bother to look at the SU display while the update was in progress!

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Ah, but does it finally reveal what Revolution no. 9 is trying to tell us?