Naim & Focal 10th Anniversary Edition

I’m a fan of this look. The speakers in particular look amazing imo.

Only gripe is I’m not convinced by the black controls :thinking:

I’m ok with the color, don’t love it but don’t hate it. Now for the Naim 50th edition that will be very interesting. How about a 500 integrated in silver with gold trim and buttons/knobs!

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I think it’s just an anniversary edition and nothing more.
Having said that I wouldn’t buy it.

The Olive gear looked awful compared to CB. Have a look at one of HH’s close up pictures and you will see gaps around the facia and light leaking. I didn’t like the colour, or the drop in perceived manufacturing quality and went from a Nait to an Audiolab 8000 pre/power set up I think. Then on to Croft and Leak valve gear. Black made Naim look good again for me. I like the current style, tin may look good in real life, but the knobs look awkward with black on tin.
Other opinions are available.

Yes please.

No thanks.

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I share all your concerns about delivery issues and servicing issues (I don’t get answers from support either). But I still don’t think we should get wounded up over the fact that Naim added one more colour option. I think even Fords are now available in other colours than black.
This because I don’t think adding another colour makes e.g. the parts problem bigger. The fact that Naim has a delivery issue is something they have to solve independent if you ordered the black or the grey version.
The fact that they want to invest marketing money to keep the attention on the Naim brand I think is important. However I share the gutfeel opinion that a new version of the 272 or active Focal speakers with Naim electronics would be generating much more interest than this very expensive set.


De gustibus, non est disputandum, perhaps?



Don’t you just hate it when people spout Latin, knowing that the plebs won’t understand it?


Only if announced on the 1st April, 2023.


Yes. Very much so.

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Sigh. Quod erat demonstrandum.

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Or , by google traduction :

« Abundance is the daughter of disgust, scarcity is that of taste«

It means ‘there is no accounting for taste’. Latin is most often used by those who left public schools many years ago and act as if they were still there. There are some excellent examples of this in public life.

You mean the ones unable to use Google?


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I humbly apologise to the head of forum police and will go and chastise myself severely.


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It must have been ironical since the word ‘plebs’ is very much based on Latin and also putting people in classes.

I thought it contravened forum rules to use a language other than English, just saying :smirk:

You’re being oversensitive on this issue. I’m sure PeakMan never intended to exclude anyone by quoting a Latin phrase.
I hope you’re not suggesting that we keep to simple language, no more than five words per sentence, short Anglo-Saxon words, etc.

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I know what it means. Added just a new Latin proverb from 1908 , translated. I like it.

Forgive me, friends for being candid here.

There is no malice or disrespect intended in any manner.

Sir, I have often wondered about the use of certain strong adjectives here on the forum on Naim equipment whatever their guise, CB, Olive or Black… and though it may be an opinion of yours and we are free to express ourselves, we are still on the Naim forum and most of us here own / have owned / enjoy Naim equipment - no one likes to read something as strongly worded as “awful” on our beloved Naims. I understand from your profile that you no longer use Naims and it’s just as well since we embrace diversity here, but I hope it’s ok with everyone that we refrain from dissing the look of Naim components from yesteryear. It may be your personal opinion, but it doesn’t need to be shared here in such an awful manner - pardon the pun.

The Olives are really beautiful and mysterious-looking in their olive green guise. Even right up till now. I am deeply fond of them as many owners here are. I still have my NAT01 with me, in mint condition. They are hardly awful, so most of us here who own olive equipment will swear by their aesthetics. I find CB equipment prior the olives really classic with a touch of nostalgia which pervades their aesthetics - equally beautiful and unique.

The design work done to “revitalise” and modernise the look and feel of then-olive-styled Naim equipment - has stemmed from an impeccable taste in design experience and knowledge which brought us the venerable and timeless 500 and then the formidable Statement over 14 years on - was just spot on for me in industrial design. I found it to be a wonderful evolution of Naim components so carefully thought-out. Naim had met the objective of propelling a timeless, ageless design to even greater heights in my design book to its present guise now.

Good design is timeless and secure.
Fly-by-night ones dissipate into thin air and a forgettable nothingness.

How is any of the three guises of Naim equipment thus far, awful?

So I will differ from your kind self’s remarks entirely.