Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

Indeed :blush:



What about a very good body shop spraying it gloss Black and clear coat

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That may be worth a try - it’s a one way ticket obviously! …had anybody ever done that?

Yonks ago I had my ’wood finish’ Thorens TD160 resprayed to black whilst it was being refurbished…still looking ok and going strong…(now with my son in regular use)

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Rather than spray it, get it wrapped, much cheaper and if you ever change your mind, just pull it off and it will be exactly as it is now


Do you think it would easy to wrap Fraim shelves?

Wrap? In what? Scuse my ignorance…

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Looks of show cars are wrapped (essentially vinyl) and they can look brilliant if done well.

A good car tint/wrap specialist could wrap any of the shelves or uprights in a Fraim etc :+1:

I have also used good car Bodyshops to repaint or colour match guitar bodies, so they could certainly work the wooden plinth on an LP12 too.

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I think Window Tint might be better. You could do 5% or what’s called Limo Tint. I’m pretty sure though anything applied to the glass will change its resonant characteristics. Could be better could be worse could do nothing.

Yes and no, it would depend on how well you want the inner cutout wrapping, a good person may do that OK but it can’t really be seen either; the outside should be dead easy

Now THAT is an interesting concept… High gloss white maybe

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Or you could do something like this -

But it is a bit more permanent than wrapping.

A good wrapping firm, will find it easy to wrap the fraim and most things actually these days
That is what I would rather than spray it.
I had already considered getting my fraim legs wrapped to match the fact 12 colour, but haven’t bothered to try and sort the right colour as yet

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Yeah, it’s the cut outs that I was thinking could be the problem to do well.

Not the glass! Just the the MDF shelves. :smiley:



That would look cool in your set up. :ok_hand:t5:

I had a different shade in mind for mine though.

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Automotive stores sell something called peel coat that sprays on like paint and dries like vinyl wrap. Once it dries if you don’t like it peel it off if you do then :+1:


I’m amazed at how much the noise floor has lowered and brought the music out of the speakers. The whole presentation is now so taut and tidy. One can go much higher with the volume control, even low volume is quite remarkable. My system has been transformed in a very positive way. Is it worth it? You bet it is. I love it.

That is all.


Hi Stephen, can I ask what you mean by lowerering the noise floor… I notice a few use this term… technically it means reducing the background noise of hiss, RF and mains hum etc with respect to the signal… is this what you mean? Ie reducing hiss and making the signal more pristine/clean.

Or are you meaning more firm dynamic sound which would tend not be noise floor related.


Hi Simon,

I may of used the wrong term but i was in the meaning of that the music is coming out of the speakers where it stops and starts in a more ‘ink black’ background…? I have noticed less humps and bumps in the bass and less congestion in the midrange/mid bass, this is what i might be referring to as less noise/mush? The music is better defined, more air around each instrument being played, and an altogether more coherent, crisper, better focused and rhythmic quality to whole listening experience.

I’m really no good at putting my experiences into words, i can only try to understand and use what those words mean once i’m going through that experience, so sorry for any confusion here.

I think the main advantage with Fraim is it helps a Naim system to truly shine to the best of it’s ability, and from what i’m hearing so far, can even be described as ‘the missing link’ in the full optimisation of a Naim system. It really does work, it’s not snake oil in what some may lead those to believe. If i’m honest, it’s one those things i should of done a longtime ago, it’s that good.

Here it is again in action :slightly_smiling_face: