Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

Not the glass! Just the the MDF shelves. :smiley:



That would look cool in your set up. :ok_hand:t5:

I had a different shade in mind for mine though.

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Automotive stores sell something called peel coat that sprays on like paint and dries like vinyl wrap. Once it dries if you donā€™t like it peel it off if you do then :+1:


Iā€™m amazed at how much the noise floor has lowered and brought the music out of the speakers. The whole presentation is now so taut and tidy. One can go much higher with the volume control, even low volume is quite remarkable. My system has been transformed in a very positive way. Is it worth it? You bet it is. I love it.

That is all.


Hi Stephen, can I ask what you mean by lowerering the noise floorā€¦ I notice a few use this termā€¦ technically it means reducing the background noise of hiss, RF and mains hum etc with respect to the signalā€¦ is this what you mean? Ie reducing hiss and making the signal more pristine/clean.

Or are you meaning more firm dynamic sound which would tend not be noise floor related.


Hi Simon,

I may of used the wrong term but i was in the meaning of that the music is coming out of the speakers where it stops and starts in a more ā€˜ink blackā€™ backgroundā€¦? I have noticed less humps and bumps in the bass and less congestion in the midrange/mid bass, this is what i might be referring to as less noise/mush? The music is better defined, more air around each instrument being played, and an altogether more coherent, crisper, better focused and rhythmic quality to whole listening experience.

Iā€™m really no good at putting my experiences into words, i can only try to understand and use what those words mean once iā€™m going through that experience, so sorry for any confusion here.

I think the main advantage with Fraim is it helps a Naim system to truly shine to the best of itā€™s ability, and from what iā€™m hearing so far, can even be described as ā€˜the missing linkā€™ in the full optimisation of a Naim system. It really does work, itā€™s not snake oil in what some may lead those to believe. If iā€™m honest, itā€™s one those things i should of done a longtime ago, itā€™s that good.

Here it is again in action :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks, yes I agree Fraim tends to smooth out the response and open things upā€¦ but I think that is more to do with electro mechanical resonance managementā€¦ which I guess is about cleaning up the signal, ie reducing distortions, which I guess means your brain is working less hard to translate what you hear.


Yes, for me itā€™s how it brings much more cohesion to the whole presentation:


Great looking system!


I just read 1209 posts in this thread and you convinced me to get a Naim Fraim thank you all. I am far and away from the average level of this list, but it should make things easier. Incidentally my SuperUniti died this week, so there is one less box of Naim gear in the picture, I am sorry. I wish all a very good Easter, thank you for the inspiration.


You go first thenā€¦ :joy:

(would take a brave man :grimacing:)

I donā€™t have to be brave I donā€™t have a fraim :rofl:

I just think it looks great and is well made and will help everyoneā€™s naim system, what ever it is . Even my wife thinks its a nice bit of furniture !


Eventually Iā€™ll probably get one, but will be a while. I was able to make some changes to my system and do some upgrades. Now my wife has some upgrades for the house in mind. You know how that goes :grin:


Iā€™ve decided to add a NDX 2 to my 282/300DR system, and either a XPS DR or 555 PS DR.
My ageing, 30 year old, Target rack just wonā€™t die. The Target rack is only five levels, I need six. So Iā€™ve also decided to buy a FraimLite, probably upgrading the source level to a Fraim.

I will be moving house in the next couple of months, so donā€™t 100% know what my room placement/options will be. I would prefer two, three level racks, but may have to go for six level. The Target rack is the same height as the six level FraimLite.

Iā€™ve got a reasonable idea of what the components of a Fraim, are made of, but can anyone tell me why they are actually so expensive? Any other tips on buying a FraimLite would be appreciated.


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@DJM to be honest with your system I would try and go full fraim or go Full Fraim for source and Fraim light for PSU

as you say itā€™s not cheap, but Full Fraim is like adding another black box to your system

Than you @Antz for your reply.

Still not sure whether or not to go for the XPS DR or the 555 PS, to go with the NDX 2. Bearing in mind I still have to purchase a Burndy (Ā£538) with the 555 PS. Because of lockdown not been able to demo them.
Could it be the case, if the XPS DR is adequate, the extra money I would have spent on the 555 PS, could go towards a full Fraim?

If you are open to buying used I would suggest looking out for a full Fraim. This will cost similar or less than a FraimLite and will be much more suited to your system.

The benfits of full Fraim are not exaggerated, I did mine mainly for cosmetic reasons not expecting much of an improvement but as the cliche says it is like a black box upgrade. Mine replaced a Stands Unique rack.

If you buy an NDX2 now and use it bare with your existing rack you could take your time and source a used 555DR, this wonā€™t cost much more than a new XPS DR. Itā€™s worth noting that the service intervals on 500 series kit is longer so even a 5 year old one wonā€™t need a service for 10 years.

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Agree go full frame and NDX2 first, then else. PS available demo/pre

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Thatā€™s useful to know, thanks.