Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

Not made for Linn Akutate boxes either I now discover. This is the Radikal for my LP12 - not going to work.

By the look of the measurements - the Machined (Klimax) one works - oh well - I’ll maybe have to reprioritise that!

On power conditioners - I approached nervously too - but there are different implementations of them. The DC blocking in the Isol-8 is really good - and far from killing the sound as some say, it’s given it a real boost. Highly recommended.

I read somewhere that someone else had the same problem and was advised to turn the aluminium support 90 degrees to allow it to fit.

INTERESTING! …I think it would force the Radikal forward and create a front overhang though, but will have a look!

Original plan was to put the Isol-8 on the bottom level, and the Radikal on the top - which would have worked - the Isol-8 didn’t fit - and so I’m dealing the the knock on effects :roll_eyes:

The few ways I found that worked well was, use an extra front section, rather than the larger rear, ok if it’s just cables in the way, rather than extra depth needed.
The other way is to get some 28mm copper pipe, this has the same internal size as the external size on the fraim feet kit, so it gives you maximum depth on what a fraim shelf will give, when you have another fraim shelf above it, also great for cables, you just need it cut square and with not bur.
I used both these methods and both work well

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It will force the Radikal forward. But you can get the L-shaped Neutrik plugs for that. Easy to replace yourself but Peter Swain at Cymbiosis would probably do it if you dont feel comfortable. They are the same manufacture as the standard plugs. I believe Peter Swain actually liased with Linn to have them accepted as an approved modification.

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I have done it myself.

Very happy it’s working out for you Stephen! You are now hearing what your lovely system is capable of.

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Peter built and looks after my LP12 - I’ll have a word! …thanks :ok_hand:t2:

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Thank you. I really love the glass, that’s no ordinary glass, when i wrapped it with my knuckles it sounded like a bell going off. I was expecting a sudden dunk not a continuous ding… I’ve never heard glass do that before. I tried both sides on each and i couldn’t hear any dunk. SWMBO really likes it too. My partner was expecting some big hideous oil rig type thing, but was pleasantly surprised at how dinky and compact it all is. Oddly Naim Fraim looks much bigger in the photos than it does in the flesh. I have mine sited into a corner so you can’t really see the sides. Another added bonus for small listening environments. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s definitely much more compact than I expected - both in terms of width, and depth. The design helps it get close to the wall leaving plenty of room for cables - so that helps :+1:t2:


Awaiting DR power supplies - I’m told April :confounded::confounded:

The finish is definitely wrong on the LP12 - so it’s either Stilleto or the Linn High Gloss Black on I think they now do…

I’ve got a funny feeling that a jazzy plinth may be Linn’s 2021 “let’s milk the LP12 a little more because it’s a gift that keeps on giving” upgrade. They’ve got the machines - it CLEARLY makes a big difference, I’m surprised they’ve not done it yet.

Didn’t Linn produce a ‘special’ LP12 with a one-piece machined Aluminium plinth for Ivor T some years back? They argued at the time that it was not economically viable to put it into production.

I think the game has now changed and people’s expectations of how much they’re willing to pay for the ‘best’ hifi components has increased dramatically.

My long-winded way of saying I think you’re probably right Matt!

The Fraim looks very nice with the black boxes. They align nicely, whereas, the Quadraspire didn’t appear to do so.

Glad that you noticed the difference.

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You can get right angled plugs to overcome this.


Thanks @DiggyGun … happy with the Fraim even though the difference with the Qusraspire is very, very little. I am not conviced on the #DayAndNightDifference I read all the time. On the other hand I am convinc’d a decent rack is worth.

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On the phone to Peter Swain tomorrow :ok_hand:t2::+1:t2:

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I’m not sure - sounds like the sort of legend that they like to surround Ivor!

I do think times have changed - the Keel proved beyond all doubt what we are all prepared to pay for a piece of machined aluminium!

Nobody will have bought any villas in Portugal on the back of the Karousel (although I may be wrong - it’s such a bargain - relative - I think they’ll have sold them by the truck load!) so a nice “official” machined Aluminium plinth will certainly rectify that!

Matt, I seem to recall a few years back when I was interested in a Linn TT that Peter Cym had some very nice, unusual, exotic plinths for the LP12…not from Linn but another supplier…


Mine is one of the very same! …it’s a Woodsong plinth - Rosewood as I recall - looks nice, and certainly better than a standard Linn one, but does nothing to alter the sound. The next step with that is solid machined - either the aluminium Stiletto (£££££) or the Bamboo BooPlinth (£££) - I’d go Boo, but natural Bamboo is the only colour option, so super Blonde.

Super blonde may compliment the black Fraim…