Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?


Max at Townshend Audio really ought to take the credit for bringing this app to our attention and it certainly makes for an interesting demonstration of his isolation products. Basically you place this on your speaker, or any other bit of kit, walk around the room and watch the seismograph go crazy as your feet hit the ground. The more isolated from the ground your kit, the less the seismograph will jump around.

If you are looking at isolating your equipment efficiently then this is a useful little free app will help you find out if you have been successful or not."


Excellent - will give it a go.

It’s interesting, that. Back in the late 1970s/early 80s the advice was not to use a wall shelf, and some even suggested a not-very-rigid table to put the TT on. Times change.

I would imagine it’s pretty good at measuring movement.

About ten years ago, Google was trialling advance notice of earthquake shaking. Android phones would fire a notification on detecting earthquake movement, to give a few seconds of advance warning.

At the time, Christchurch was still getting aftershocks. The notification system was amazing at detecting the very subtle movements a few seconds before we noticed them (and differentiating them from normal movement such as trucks driving past, footsteps, etc).

I guess the motion detection in phones must be remarkably sensitive to achieve that kind of accuracy.


An alternative to the accelerator chip used in phones and hdd:s is a geophone. It is lighter, mechanical and measures vibration. I use one to make field recordings for sound-art. I remember buying my first one, I had to sign export-control papers when buying one from the US as these devices was also used in land-mines.

In 2006 or so a Swiss engineer created a tsunami warning system using P2P networking, standard PC:s and reading the vibration detection data from the hard-disk drive. Increasing the number of participating PC:s increased the precision (eliminating local readings, like passing cars).

I dont remember his name (he developed in his spare time) but he made a presentation when he received a price in the Software as Art category at Ars Electronica in Austria - a yearly conference/exhbition I used to attend.

Not much use with SSD:s I guess.

Sorry for the off-topic. Let me add that a Naim Fraim is really worth it. I had a long-term loan of an Aavik integrated that was to deep for the Fraim and used a bamboo-rack from Atacama, going back to the Fraim I really appreciate how good they are - even with a Linn Klimax DSM!!

I do not find any considerations whether the Fraim base should be placed on improved counterspikes such as absorbers, not to protect the floor but to further vibrations insulation. Any advice?

Naim Fraim Chips works fantastic under the Fraim.


Yes, it absolutely is. Had mine about 8 months, all components pre owned and most parts pre loved. Had Naim equipment for 30 years and now realise, for most of that time, I’ve been missing out to a large extent detail and sound staging. Expensive but considering all of the R&D that must have gone into pre production understandable.


Was there any reason for Linn having that special headshell for the Ekos?

I have seen a few photos of it occasionally, and I always wondered.

(It looks very stylish with the black plinth.)

Incidentally, I imagine that the LP12 is easily the most discussed and photographed item on this Forum that is not manufactured by Naim.

Does anyone know who manufactures and what are the specifications of the threaded rods and nuts for Salisbury? Thanks.

Chag -

If anyone is considering Fraim or FraimLite for the NC 200/300 Series, be aware that you’ll probably have to buy a number of the new ‘Narrow Rear Legs’ in the appropriate finish, standard height only, otherwise you’ll find connections are obstructed by the standard rear leg……

Good, innit :smirk:.


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You can order any parts of Fraim if you want to from a retailer/distributor of naim products.

332 and 350s on FraimLite here - absolutely no issue with connecting positions.

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That’s good news, definitely not so for the 222 and 250 :unamused:.


What does this “narrow” rear look like. This is first I’ve heard of it and I might use something like that for my Superline and 252.

I don’t think anyone has seen any photos yet….


Thank you Blackbird but I don’t want to order any Fraim part. I just need a set of rods 10mm longer.

Chag -

Surely, you can find the information you’re looking for by looking at your own Fraim & using a vernier or a tape measure?

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It’s like the standard leg, but narrower. Think drainpipes rather than loons.

Good analogy. An observation probably wasted on anything other than a forum with the age demographic of this one! :slightly_smiling_face:

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