Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

The RCA connects on the 332 definitely cannot be connected properly on my Fraim, not enough space because of the rear leg.

Are they available yet? Anyone have part numbers (for std height in my case)?

Hi, sorry to read you have this issue.

I have my 332 on the top shelf of my FraimLite which I believe would allow them to fit, but personally, I donā€™t use / need the RCA sockets.

I looked for a picture of your set up, but I think you do not have one uploaded, so perhaps you could?

EDIT I see elsewhere that you have a turntable on top - and it has been suggested you rotate the leg to allow the RCAs to fit - until the narrow one becomes available.

Its just normal M10 rod. You can get a meter lenght very cheaply from a builderā€™s merchant or plumbing as we use it for the stand off clips.

I just loosen off then rotate my rear legs through 90 degrees. Its not as painful as it sounds.


Thank you for your message. Itā€™s a partial solution. Still donā€™t sit great with a rotated leg, not to mention the ugliness of the leg sticking out. Sorry to see Naim had to address this post-factum.

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Iā€™ve just ordered another level, has to be 2nd hand to match my now deleted cherrywood.


Extra box incoming @Pete_the_painter :flushed:

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Thank you Dunc, I knew they likely were M10 but wanted to know who may be manufacturing them for Salisbury and under what specifications.

No just to put my Audiolab CD transport in/on.


What audiolab cd transport Pete?

CDT 6000 ?

Yep, in colourful black. Harryā€™s supplying one from the showroom

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Itā€™s pretty good , mate of mine has one and certainly does the job

A narrow rear leg really should have been made available years ago for those using Fraim with Olive kit. I seem to recall that the DIN sockets on the NAC52 were difficult to access owing to the rear leg.

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I recall at least one forum member some years ago replacing the rear leg of a Fraim shelf with a length of metal pipe cut to the same length with the threaded bar inserted through it. I think he used copper plumbing pipe, which is easy to cut accurately with a plumbers pipe cutter.

No audible difference if equipment is on a frame or, for example, in a Quadraspire rack. Soā€¦:man_shrugging:


At the risk of reopening old wounds, can I ask whether, after nearly 2000 posts, weā€™ve answered the question in the thread title, and what the answer is?

To be honest, Iā€™ve kind of drifted offā€¦



Went right over my head!


My take on the situation is that yes it is worth it if you can afford it. However, it is certainly not essential. There are plenty of good quality racks available.


Or if it isnā€™t expensive enough one can always go with HRS racks. That will empty a wallet quite handily.

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