Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?

Haha - good shout Halibut!!! Yes even that medium seems to be coming back and judging by the prices of some secondhand Nakamichis nowadays there’s quite a market!



I have a Polyphon from around 1895 that’s capable of bangin’ choons. Maybe Naim could make a modern version of that.


We too are hopeful the market will be flooded with SuperLumina DIN-DIN as everyone moves to NC…

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A recent Bluetooth certification suggests something is coming…


Ooh, the CI Uniti 102 streaming amplifier. Best get saving!

Oooh off to google.

The cert sites were the first sign of 222/333, way way before they were announced (of course all discussion here was embargoed and posts were removed or threads binned).

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They’d best be careful with the name though. CI Uniti can easily be shortened.


I can tell you what’s been shortened - the odds on us upgrading our office system in 2024 :laughing:

We’ve a thread on this as we were pondering an escape into olive. Very nearly went for it recently.

But a fire sale ND5XS2 into SU or a fire sale Nova probably make more sense.

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You’ve omitted the ‘l’ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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How about standing behind the Solstice project and helping owners deal with the inherent limitations that the Naim designed turntable has with non-Naim cartridges. We NEED a new counter weight!


Unlike crude on-off buttons prevalent on cheap music systems, correctly tailored loudness compensation would be great if done cleverly to be directly linked to volume sound level at the listening position With modern DSP it should not be a difficult thing to implement, though would require initial calibration up in each system/room and monitoring of average level.


Hi everybody,
a Nait 5si with integrated phono stage



Tone controls ,for those of us with real world (lopsided rooms). One speaker in the corner and one in free space:) My first amplifier a Kenwood ka-2500 even had separate bass and treble for each channel.

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Always been available
in Naim active systems,started with Naxo in the Seventies became the Snaxo.
A new version of the Snaxo would be nice :+1:

I’d like to see:

A standalone DAC
An NDX2 without a screen
An ND5 XS2 that can be upgraded with an external power supply
Speakers similar to IBLs in form factor


Absolutely nothing. I’m broke. They can release or not release whatever they want because I am basically skint.

But on a more ponderous note, one could ask, why wish for anything for something that already exists in abundance? For example, there are in fact a lot of shoebox separates out there. Is the Naim badge really the most important thing? If you want a brilliant (and brand new) shoebox system, I can think of four others without even trying.


I saw the nait 50 at one dealer a stock of total 5 pcs from last few months and still they have 4 in stock, I also think it is not moving as was intended.


Same same.
Nova Logo Bar 2018

Seems like somebody on the production line has picked up the duff roll of double-sided again…!


IIRC the target was to have all 1973 sold by the latter part of 2024. It was recently mentioned to me that the factory had only a couple of hundred left, so I reckon they’re on course. Selling 1973 units of a specialist piece of hifi at this level in such a short space of time is impressive - something any high end hifi company would give their right arm to achieve right now.