Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?

Hoping that a super integrated (SuperSupernait?!?) or simply the successor to SN3 will break cover in 2024.


indeed, my dealer still has his two he ordered and there was one on ebay and one on the other forum for sale at £2k…


Like, say, the DAC V1?

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All I want from Naim next year is that it thrives.


Agreed. I too remember the Nait tout court, had one for some time.
I wonder if this wave of approval for the release of the Nait 50 is plain love for the CB looks or a general nostalgia for a ‘more desirable’ past given the s**t times in which we are living and some fear about the direction Naim seems to be taking.

Well yes but the V1 was a pre as well.

Exactly it’s a niche industry always has been.

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And a good Headphone Amp.


In terms of prediction rather than want, something more in the Statement line, or Statement V2, would make some sense as it is the rich who seem to be getting richer while others feel the pinch, so marketing to them may keep important profits flowing.


I know, I wasn’t being too serious… :slight_smile:

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A few thoughts for a 2024 wish list…

  1. A 500 series modular Streamer DAC line, where the unit itself can either be user or dealer updated on a regular basis as technology advances.

  2. A New Classic 100 Series, shoe box format to reduce the raw material cost, with perhaps an emphasis on separates, consisting of streamer/DAC and integrated amp based on the NAIT 50th tech.

  3. A stand alone 200 series streamer, that replaces the NDX2 and ND5 XS2.

  4. An optional Original Classic upgrade programme - during a service the customer is given the choice to have the Naim green logo & button lights swapped out at cost for the New Classic white LED lights, just to bring the units up to date visually. If it can be done for the 500 series…

  5. A revision to the 2 and 5 year warranty terms. It is currently a little ambiguous to customers and some dealers (from my recent enquiries) as to whether ‘open box’ or ‘ex demo’ units can still have the full five year warranty applied to these products. A minimum five year no quibble return to base warranty on all new products, and then an optional further five year warranty if registered within six months - applicable to all new, ex-demo and open box items, especially as new unit prices are getting higher and higher. If Rega can excel at warranty based customer service…


Oh dear. I would have expected Naim to repair this for you rather than send you a bar to fit yourself.

I’d like a DAC V-1 with streaming functionality or a standalone shoebox streamer (in either classic or Nait50 cladding)

Some will say ‘that’s a Uniti Atom’ but I like the old look boxes and don’t want a screen.

And this thread is clearly ‘want’ and not ‘need’ :grinning:


Uniti Atom Headphone Edition Gen 2 … with slightly more power (Susvara anyone?), a true balanced internal setup, a USB input and better compatibility with IEMS (no hiss)

Yes, I agree with that ! A beautiful new CD Player or Transport to replace my Primare and connect to my NDX2 :slight_smile:

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Agreed about the atom, but I don’t want the power amplifier function. They clearly have the tech for the lower price end network connectivity in the Mu-so Qb, so combine that with the Dac-v1 and it’s a winner for me.

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What is affordable in this case may I ask ?

With the current prices of New 200 range, a 100 range will hardly become “affordable” if looking at XS series plus 20-25%.

I believe Naim is not going to release items below their current cheapest boxes, which is…? Qb and 5Si ?

Thats new to me, we just don’t hear much Solstice talk these days, Rega Naia seem to get more attention. I couldn’t afford any of them and tbh the Solstice look didn’t tempt me either.
By Naim cartridge do you mean Clearaudio ?

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I would take that as well. Just add NAP 100

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