Naim Olive

Is that the carrier bag version? :smile:


I see your 250 and raise you two 135s :grinning:



There is a lot work when creating something from scratch so I save a copy at certain points in time. This helps me to go back and start again, particularly if I go in the wrong direction.

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Very nice, even without the olive stuff. :kissing_heart:
MArco :cowboy_hat_face:

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Olive Snaxo / brochure photograph


NAC 52 1991
NAC 52 1995


Thanks for this picture !

That’s a great pair of comparative photos - it just shows how much was changed around from the early NAC52.

But not necessarily for the better :Sonnenbrille:


Why not for the better? The changes were made only with an ear on trying to get even better performance and consistency from the NAC52. Note that the second picture doesn’t include the interchangeable 528/526 cards on the tape circuits, but they were arguably unnecessary anyway (and could be fitted if you wanted - just cut the links) and it allowed a much neater layout as is quite clear from the photos.


Olive Nait 3 / brochure photograph


Strange little brochure for the transition period from CB to Olive.

image image


That is good to know, I thought there were only olive naxo’s.

There is only olive SNAXO (can be powered by supercap and HC), but there is NAXO (only powered by HC).

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…and a few years later. I took these shots right after it was recapped at NANA + Pots 8 modification/upgrade. Note that different caps were used from the photo above. And I recall tants were now yellow instead of blue ones. I was marveled at its neatness.

52_inside2 52_inside1
And strangely a lot of empty spaces!


To clarify, that is not one of mine, but I think used the images for visuals for other purposes.

It’s a good snapshot of all the products in one place, and interesting to see that it has the NA in ‘outline’.

It was a cheer me up purchase recently. A nice little flyer but not as professional as your brochures. The lighting on the equipment is bright and not as natural as the square brochure I have of the Olive series.

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Yep, I’ve got an olive NAXO 2-4 and an olive SNAXO 2-4. The SNAXO is the one currently in use.

@Gwarminger Thank you for your kind words.

@Debs Just to let you know - unreleased (not worthy), limited edition (there will be only one copy of this), and out-takes (really mistakes) of the recent drawings, will be ‘winging’ your way Friday, They will all be in a reasonably sized PDF which you can print, then immediately recycle into something better. :upside_down_face: Best Regards, Geoff.