Naim Olive

NAC72 later vs NAC72 earlier


Is that an old photo, or recent and do you still have them?

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I still own both.

The (left) later 72 is from year 2000, and the (right) earlier 72 from 1991

The later 72 worked with a prefix so didn’t need internal phono boards, however these were serviced with the ‘later’ 72 in 2010, and phono boards removed and placed into the ‘earlier’ 72. (The old caps were replaced with blue coloured ones)

The earlier 72 also uses RCA connection for my Yamaha CD player, using Chord Cobra RCA leads it works better than it has a right to for a budget CD player :grinning:


You have almost as much gear as Tom Tom Audio :grin:


I love that Nait 3 shot. Was that ever made into a poster?

Great brochure! I haven’t seen that one before. I bet 72 and 4 x 135 into IBLs would have been amazing

Hi @snarfy, sorry no it wasn’t made into a poster - the arrow tonearm cover picture posted by @Gwarminger was put on a mousemat though!

There are a couple of other photos in the A4 naim brochure (where the nait 3 picture was used) that would also make good poster prints. Maybe naim will offer a limited edition series of prints for their 50th in a couple of years time.

Hi, @Gwarminger, there are two versions of the square brochure, a 28 page, and a 32 page - which one do you have?

Sounds like a good idea, although I’m sure we all have different favourites.

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I have the 32 page version with addition four page New Product Information insert detailing NAC 82, NA CDI, NAP 180 and Turntable Power Supply.


The 32 page is the better version, the first one was printed in Bristol, and the second in Ringwood, which is not far south of the factory.

I recall Julian driving me (in his Jaguar) to the Ringwood printers, and that I checked my seat belt several times on the journey!


Olive HiCap / square brochure


Interesting coincidental photo. I’ve just bought this and hooked it up this morning. Opened it to see if it looked ok inside!!


Nice! But… how old are those caps??

Indeed! I wondered that but it’s improved the sound and that was before it warmed up. Need to rustle up some more funds then get a service.

I think the caps will have a six digit date code on them?

I have a CB high cap that had the original 1986 caps in it when I bought it… now replaced when it was serviced- LMT ones looking identical to those in the picture (had it serviced in 2018- when the caps were 32 years old…)

I did wonder why the caps we’re red and not black. Perhaps it has been serviced recently. The seller didn’t mention it and I don’t really fancy taking it apart again to check the date codes
Are there any main symptoms to listen for?
My 140 may also need servicing…I suppose the bottom line is that to me it’s sounding excellent and I’m enjoying it… a lot
BTW just discovered this forum and it’s an amazing source of information… And wonderful pics!!!

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Those look like the original caps in my '86 HiCap, so I doubt they’ve been changed recently.

I’m rubbish at saying how things sound better, what seems to happen is after a while I suddenly notice that I’m noticing small details I’d missed before or just enjoying the music more. I just feel that it sounds better ‘somehow’! (sorry if that’s not much help).

When stuff’s sent away to be serviced it’s away for so long that I’ve forgotten what it sounded like anyway!

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Olive CD Players / brochure photograph


Your post made me go hunting for a pair of LMT caps also taken from an ‘86 HiCap. The date code does seem to tally with the age of the power supply. Interestingly they still look very good - no sign of electrolyte leakage or case bulging. They also both seem to have very low internal leakage though I’ll need to do a longer test to confirm.

The red caps in the above HiCap appear to be SLCE. I might still have a pair of those somewhere if I can find them.