Naim Olive

I wonder if Danish Oil, rather than wax, might produce a more pleasing finish?

I used four coats of Danish Oil on the new Wenge plinth of my LP12, and it has really fed the wood well, and brought out the grain.

The main thing is that you’re happy with the sound, and not damaging the units by stacking them.

I perfectly understand that you want them unseen. I have gone to the other extreme of having three stacks of Fraim dominating the living room! I like looking at my system though so keeps me happy.

You seem to be happy with it all and if sounds great then no problems.


Spot on Dan, we all like things differently that’s what makes it interesting.
Yes really happy with sound, who wouldn’t with 52/135’s!
I’m not interested in upgrades, just more music!

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Would you be able to send a photo of your Wenge plinth Graham thanks

Be very interested in seeing it as it’s a wood that I’m interested in

Much appreciated


You just have to Google it

Bad photo

Maybe but good luck with asking Graham to post a photo because he does not seem to know how to do that. Just do an internet search on lp12 wenge plinth

Give the lovely chap a chance mate :grinning::grinning:


Hello, Bevo, I have posted photos previously, so a search should produce them.

I hope to post some new photos soon (per a request from Ian2001, I think).

FWIW, I believe that Wenge is now on a UNESCO endangered list, so can no longer be used for turntable plinths, hardwood flooring, etc.

Thank you for your kind words, Mtuttleb. Or not!

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Just that as my memory serves me that you have expressed difficulties in posting images when requested and nothing “bad” intended.

Honi soit qui mal y pense :joy:

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Here’s @anon70766008 turntable pic.


Thank you, Dan, I do wish that I were better at these things!

I hope that you’re keeping as well as can be, sir!


Thanks Dan


Very smart Graham

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And thanks to the services of Peter S at Cymbiosis, I now have a brand new cherry plinth LP12/ARO/rebuilt Troika as well!

Which is wonderful, coupled with a Nait50 and Falcon LS3/5A loudspeakers.


I was checking out their web site earlier, really knowledgeable around the LP12.

Hello Mike, I think that Peter S of Cymbiosis is generally regarded as the very best for supplying, setting up and cherishing an LP12 - which is why I went to him in the first place. I am very glad indeed that I went to him, as he and his assistant Wayne have supplied a top class service.

When I lived in London, I used Ray Horn at Grahams HiFi in Islington for many, many years, but he is enjoying retirement somewhere on the South Coast - as, indeed, am I!

(As an aside, I believe that Peter and Ray between them persuaded an initially reluctant Linn Products to produce the Keel/A, the version of the Keel for Naim’s wonderful ARO. Peter supplied one as part of my brand new LPi2.)

I know that Peter travels a lot on business, but I don’t know whether he makes it as far as you on the other side of the world.



Yes Peter does occasionally come to Australia , I have met him at Harry’s store Audio Genesis here in Sydney , lovely guy

Harry and Peter regularly correspond on all things Linn and Harry is a whizz on LP12 set up and tweaks , the very best in this country I would think

My 2 LP12 Simon Price plinths came to Harry via Peter plus the ARO Keel, not to mention a couple of other little items



I see that you’re as hooked by this crazy hobby as I am, Bevo!

Probably more ha ha :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Great fun though I must say, some of my friends think I’m nuts but then again I think they are nuts for missing out :grinning:

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Precisely so!