Naim Olive

Bit off topic but the sad part I see is a lot of younger people don’t give a toss about music and good sound - pretty sad really

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They are a generation brought up listening to what they think of as music on iPods and iPhones, sadly.

I am divorced and had little contact with my elder son for some years. He was astounded when he first listened properly to what a slab of vinyl can sound like with an industrial diamond being dragged through it (Lady Gaga’s fabulous ‘The Fame’ LP).


I loved the days at work where we would all talk about music , what concerts we have been to and what ones we are going to

Socially it was the same, it was so much fun

But alas a deep black hole around all of that now

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Ah, concerts, live music!

I was lucky enough to see Jeff Buckley six times in a variety of pretty small music venues before his tragic death.

And I saw the extremely talented, quite lovely, Yuja Wang - as part of the Brighton Festival earlier this year - in a concerto dedicated to her by John Adams, now released by DG.

But the one concert that stands out among the rest was the only concert that the late, great Carlos Kleiber gave with the LSO in London’s Royal Festival Hall. I was lucky enough to get a couple of tickets, and it was an experience to treasure for a lifetime!

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I’m just old enough to have grown up in the vinyl generation, hence rediscovering my old collection with my new vintage LP12 through a top Naim system is great fun.

It’s all very different now. I use to discover music from the radio, mates or from imported UK music magazines. Sometimes a listen before you buy at the record shop from a row of headphones.

Heck, I even DJ’d the hard rock hour on the Auckland University student radio station on the Sunday night graveyard shift. Great fun, but it seems like a lifetime ago now. But I still have all that vinyl.

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Hi Graham,

You’re welcome. Your LP12 is a stunner and hope you are very happy with the sound most importantly.

I’m okay. Got preop assessment this thursday. Continuing with work as normal.

Looking forward to getting my LP12 back from Audio T Brighton.


I don’t think that’s entirely true. Many bands make their money by playing gigs these days, whereas album sales used to be a bigger earner. That is partly driven by the low sums they are paid for recorded music, but it wouldn’t work if their live performances weren’t well attended, which they often are, and not just by pensioners.

It may be true that young people are less interested in HiFi, but that’s a separate issue. If you don’t have a decent system, using your phone with earphones probably sounds miles better than the entry level cassette players and other such stuff often used a few decades ago. So yes, young people may access music in a very different way to us, but if anything I think they are listening more than we did.

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Thank you Graham for your information with Danish oil.

Not so sure Chris

You may well be correct if you’re in the UK

Here in Australia from what I can see there is not a vibrant live music scene as there use to be

I might be what the young generation call oldish but I’m into looking at new band live gigs and it does look a bit sparse I must say

It’s always worth being a little cautious when it comes to wood finishes, especially when refinishing a previously coated surface. Traces of the original finish within the grain, along with any residue left from your bleaching, may well have unexpected effects on the end result. Maybe try a test patch on the rear of the cabinet first.
Oils can be a great choice. Tung oil, Danish oil, and others will all have a similar effect, bringing out the grain and darkening it. If you want to keep the wood light, a water based finish might be a better choice.

Wenge - This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices, but is on the IUCN Red List. It is listed as endangered due to a population reduction of over 50% in the past three generations, caused by a decline in its natural range, and exploitation.

A lot has been said about Peter, but Wayne is pretty darn good. When my stuff went for service the HiCap DR came back with a dent in it courtesy of the courier. Wayne was on it in a flash and item was returned to Naim super quick for a check over and a new case!



I agree, Wayne is a great foil to Peter. The problem is that their voices and accents are so similar that I have to check who I’m speaking to every time that I phone.

All my recent purchases for my system have been via Wayne and have been pre-loved. Several he ‘found’ for me, from my Wants List.

Above and Beyond… :expressionless:


I do like the highly polished outer platter on @anon70766008 ’s turntable.

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That was several hours’ hard work!

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Is the platter oversized or the record undersized or do you have a record outer ring clamp on?

No, it’s a standard LP12 platter.

Perhaps the Herbie’s Turntable Mat causes some sort of optical illusion?

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Looks like it’s made of chocolate

Anyone for a bit of fruit ‘n’ nut

And all because the lady loves milk tray