Naim owners Artwork

I’d never thought of that in real time but it’s true. Obviously my tastes have changed as I’ve matured. I’ll go and have another look, cheers.

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The many overlapping small photos to make a large image thing that he does seems to work really well in that large space.

I’ll have to pop down the road to see the permanent exhibition at the Mill. Even his napkin scribbles are worth a look


This may or may not be art, but a few signed photos have been posted previously. This is our photo of Liz’n’Phil, which they gave to Mrs HH’s father when he served on the Royal Yacht. It’s a nice thing to have, though I do prefer my Jeremy Deller print.


Sorry for the poor photos but you get the idea. :sunglasses:


I think this is Chesterfield market and brings back memories of a mis-spent youth.
I bought it at a boot sale.


The crooked spire in the background is a dead giveaway😁

My “Cool Spotter” painting looks fabulous against my recently redecorated stairwell wall.


Very nice.

A friend painted this. It’s going to be framed and put above the 552 :sunglasses:

It’s called “emerging from the rabbit hole”.



I can arrange to send you the original


I’d love a copy of that…:joy:

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A youth that is mis-spent is never really mis-spent


Needs the words LP12 Sondek at the bottom :crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Unfortunately their can only be one original. :grin:

I don’t need an original, good quality print will do me just fine😊

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Copy the image and print it, it’s only black and white so it shouldn’t be issue.

Thinking now I had my painting hanging upside down.

I’m very aware of Pareidolia. Or folk making something out of random things.
The paintings orientations before had an “angry grandma” look to it.

This way seems to have some more natural flow with weight. Which should give the onlooker to think more of naturally occurring forms and shapes instead of looking for faces.


Is odd isn’t it, Pareidolia…
Because now, painting turned, I see two gnomic faces as if in close conversation, one face half hidden by the other.
Whereas before, only a very vague head shape.

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That piece will work either way.

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I was once told by someone who studied art that abstract art should look good at all rotations but there is a correct way round. That made it even more confusing but I thought I have four for the price of one!


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