Naim Powerline?

You HAVE to try for yourself.

I certainly am happy with it.

And it seems you found, Charles, that once removed you really missed it…

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I added one to my SU years ago and heard instant benefits. Still using it with my 272 and another with my 555PS which comes with a powerline from the factory, hint, hint.

If you’re not convinced, keep an eye out for second hand offerings and try one. If you don’t hear the results, move it on.

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Some have even heard a positive improvement adding one to a napsc.
One member even has one on his coffee machine.


Yes, for me a big plus on the Nova though I actually use it as a source (possibly not when I originally got a Powerline) via the analogue out which is not a typical way to use one and possibly fairly unique.

If you have a nearby dealer see if they can lend you one used for demos from the shop floor, chances are you won’t want to give it back and they might even do a deal on it as ‘used’! Powerlines are deceptively tricky to seat home properly especially with the Nova’s decoupled socket.

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Good reminder. @spongebob, when you have one, check Richard’s nice guide:


BTW from memory the Powerline does not go in flush with the socket on the back of the Nova - if it does I have to take another look at it!


No it does not, with none of the units. The pictures in the FAQ don’t show the gap very clearly, but a search for PowerLine will bring up many threads with confusion that is answered by more pictures. But common sense should help, too :slight_smile:


They are a nightmare to get in! You have to push them to the point you think your gonna break something… Then they click and hey presto…!

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In my experience, yes. Lower noise floor = more detail, clarity and better bass and top range, with more punch.


Never experienced this on mine. Maybe because they were used.

Or buy a used one — sell on with no loss (excluding postage) if you don’t like it. Or if you like what it does, keep it and smile.

Personally I feel the Powerline’s price is a bit steep (especially in the context of a Nova). But when it’s bought used, I feel less pain. And let’s face it, how to tell a new vs used Powerline apart behind your Hi-Fi rack…

I just bought a used Supercap DR for my Superline. The HiCap DR and the NAT05 both came out of my system to make room for it. So I put the Powerline Lite’s from those two bits of kit onto my Nait5i and CD5i in the bedroom. The improvement is not small. I imagine a full fat Powerline would only improve things again.

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I thought they were guaranteed as in if you don’t like it sends it back?

Depending on the laws in your country and the dealer’s terms of services, but yeah. In the EU, there is a 14 day return guarantee by law for goods purchased via the internet, and most dealers apply the same to brick-and-mortar sales.

Also depends on the individual relationship to the dealer. I have a good and long-standing one, so I talk to them instead of using their online shop. But of course this is depending on the individual situation

The impact of a Powerline on any device is boosted by a dedicated mains/switchless sockets etc which cost about half the price of the Powerline. I even have one on my old Unitiqute2.

If they are so good why are people selling them, there must be better alternatives out there, but we cannot advise on the forum.

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You can advise all you like. 3rd party power supplies and cables that carry DC like burndy and snaics are off limits, as well as fuses in the Naim units.

People selling their PowerLine proves nothing though. There’s many possible reasons for that. They may think their new 10,000 pounds power cable is better (who wouldn’t), they may have realized it does nothing, they may need money, they may have bought a PowerIgel Plus, they may be moving to a different country with different plugs, they may have died and their heirs are selling them, …


I’d guess many are where they have bought a product which includes a Powerline, when they have a Powerline already. So for example , they own an XPS DR to which they have added a Powerline. They then purchase a 555PS which has a Powerline in the box, so one of the PLs becomes surplus to requirements.


This as well, was the case for me