Naim Uniti Nova PE edition

There are probably not that many people who are against class D on principle… On the other hand, there are probably many who have listened to class D and didn’t like what they heard and are against it for that reason… It’s not more difficult than that imo.

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I wonder what the sample size was for those folks? I suspect relatively small, and that most will have heard more class AB amps that they didn’t like than they heard class D. So was its class, or the amplifier as a whole the issue? :thinking:

My Linn Selekt DSM;Edition Hub in my main system and my SMSM SA300 in my office system have both Class D amps.

Both work well and sound good. Indeed the Selekt has more than enough power to drive my Kudos Titan 606 loudspeakers in active mode.



Who knows :man_shrugging:

Those that think Naim switching to Class D would by definition be a nightmare? They seem pretty certain off themselves.

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When it comes to Uniti Nova, you can now choose class A/B or class D according to need, liking and taste. Nothing wrong with that imo. Otherwise, I cant see that Naim will switch to class D in the Classic range, and beyond that, simply because class A/B sounds better according to Naim.

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A guy here replaced 552/500 dr with the top Aavik integrated, using class D amps. He said the sound is more effortless and refined.
Can’t verify it.

Risk? Why is it risky? That suggests negative conviction, not a recognition that Naim would only make one if sound quality met their requirements.


Sigh… Whatever IB…:roll_eyes:

I have listened to it Rooster. So boring that the clocks stopped - Gotland saying :innocent:

Primare don’t use Purifi in the I35; they use their own UFDP2 modules.

They do use Hypex NCore on their multi channel power amp.

Good to have another point of view on it :+1:

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Regardless, I note you changed your post. The question re Naim converting fully or primarily to Class D including its highest quality amps surely depends on whether/when their development team produces a design that matches or beats the sound quality of its class A/B products. It may happen in the near future, or might never happen.

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Amazing…this thread is still going!
The question/doubt proposed has a VERY simple resolution. Have a listen ( a non-biased one).

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Anyone on this forum bought one yet?

Yes, see this thread about adding a TT to one

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I had it (280) on demo a few times but never bought it, I realised I wanted to like it more than I actually did :slight_smile:

My brain sucks.

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I read an interview with the designer and, like others, they did a lot of work to improve the modules they used. And on top of that they filled the amps with various wonder-stuff from their sister-company Ansuz. The 280 reduce th grayness almost completely, but after a few evenings you heard it.

The guy had some interesting views on balanced connections I never could verify. The Aaviks I tried were all single-ended.

Found it. It was Michael Børresen talking about HF-noise being worse in balanced cables.

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This review is very encouraging.

I have a very solid system, NC222 with 555PsDR and NAP300DR. Very happy with it, but eventually I’m looking at downsizing as not a fan of 4 boxes, spaghetti cables at the back of the Fraim, etc. Especially in a small space (Hong Kong here). I should give the Nova PE a listen. Or maybe Linn Selekt.

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